Gold is good -11-

Start from the beginning

"That sounds very nice, but today's Monday."

She raised a penciled eyebrow and laughed. "So?" She blew another bubble and popped it. "What's your point?"

I stared at her incredulously for a moment before gathering myself. "Tomorrow's Tuesday. We have school." She snorted. "What?"

Her face broke into a grin. She had red lipstick on her front tooth, "Nothing, I just forgot you didn't know. Don't worry, we won't have school tomorrow. Or well, we won't have to worry about things like homework "

I eyed her suspiciously. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't worry about it. Just show up tomorrow night."

"I don't even know where I'm showing up."

She sighed and reached into the grey purse I didn't even realize she had under her arm. She set a gold envelope on the table in front of me. "It starts at nine, ends whenever. Bring whoever." She blew a huge bubble as she backed away, but this time it exploded over her dark red smirk. She quickly turned and speed-walked away.

After she left, I fingered the envelope for a few moments, debating on whether or not I should open it. Then curiosity got the better of me and I slid my finger under the edge and up the other side. Inside was a single slip of paper with an address and the phrase, 'Frequently seeked , never to eat' was scrawled in purple ink. What did that even mean? I shoved it back in the envelope then I got up and walked over to the trash can. I didn't need this, I wasn't interested in anything involving Cindy.

I tossed it in just as the bell rung for next period. I hastily packed up my stuff and rushed out of the library. As I was walking, I saw the back of a beanie ahead of me. How was I going to do something crazy if I didn't have an excuse to be near him? I exhaled and tried to gather my thoughts.

Come on Sebastian, think, think...

And I thought about it for the rest of the class. All through while my teacher was droning on about something I wasn't seriously paying attention too. I thought about it as I scribbled down notes, as I read through chapters, and as I stared out the dirty classroom window. And I may not have thought of something had the girl in front of me with pink streaks in her short hair not pulled out a gold envelope.

That's when I remembered my envelope. The glorious goddamn envelope that was in library trashcan.

I swore under my breath. I shouldn't have thrown it away, but it was okay because I could still get it after class was over.

I sat through twenty more agonizing minutes before I could leave. The first thing I did after class let out was run in the direction of the library. It didn't matter that I was probably going to be late to my next class, I needed to do this.

When I got to the library, I rushed over to the door and pushed hard. Too bad I did nothing but hurt the palms of my hands. The doors were locked. I peered in through the glass and saw the lights were on and people were working at the computers. I knocked on the glass, because someone would have to see me and realize the doors were locked. But no one at the computers turned to look up at me. I knocked harder, but nothing still.

Then I noticed a girl in a plaid shirt sitting at the front desk and I knew I needed to get her attention if I wanted to get inside. So I began knocking on the glass harder and harder until it got so annoying that she threw the papers she had been signing on the floor and stood up from her desk abruptly, glaring at me. She quickly strode over to the library doors and pushed it open with surprising strength for her wiry frame.

I had to back up so the door didn't hit me in the face. She stuck her head out the door and angrily pointed to something. My eyes followed her arm and saw a yellow sign that read, QUIET. TESTING.

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