10. Dance partners

Start from the beginning

Strange it was, isn't it?

"Hey, were are you lost?" Raima waved her hands infront of my eyes to pull me out of my reverie.

"Umm..nothing...sorry for zoning out like this." I pursed my lips into a narrow but sincere smile.

"Ohkay then, lets move for lunch. Your daughter has finished her risotto but I haven't eaten anything yet...and not to mention, but I am really, really hungry." She made a cute pout and my narrow smile widened into a bigger one.

"Even I am hungry." I confessed honestly.

"Italian dishes are waiting for us there... so we shouldn't waste anymore time, you know." She winked at me and together we headed for the dining lounge with a huge grin plastered on both our faces.

Lunch became a gala event with Raima present alongwith. It was all becoz of her that I ate so much after so many days, that too including some wonderful desserts like tiramisu and the blueberry cheese cake. I stopped only when my heart got contented. Listening to my bulging tummy had been kept debarred for the day.

We shared a lot of things while savouring all those delicacies. She was the first one to start. She told me how life was going and asked me about the same. As such there was nothing to say, I told her about coco's school, Ma's NGO and a little of my business part. I deliberately avoided talking about Dev and she too didn't pester me further. Yes, one or two questions she had asked in the middle, but it was just slip of tongue and she had immediately diverted the topic to my upcoming projects.

It felt good to see her turned so sensible.

"Three years!.... I missed you so much in these three damn years, Rai!!" I mumbled carelessly, drooling over the broken tufts of cloud in the crisp, blue sky.

Raima simply smiled to his. That click in her tone made me look at her and I found her totally engrossed in the oreo gelato in her hands.
"It was you who left me and not the other way around." She still managed to answer.

I breathed out a deep sigh and replied groggily- "I had to leave Delhi. It was necessary. I was feeling suffocated over there."

"And you thought that if you cut all the connections with us, we won't force you to get back to your life again." She completed the rest of my sentence.

This is what bestfriends are meant for, I suppose. If they can not complete your unspoken words then they are not your bff by any chance!

Trust me on that.

"Hmm." I nodded agreeing.

"You are silly." She laughed out this time.

"I know right?"

"Yes...... I mean, you did so much of hardship in these three years.. broke all ties with us.. stayed alone..raised your child alone... and what did you gain in return? Success? Definitely not..... for you see, today you are standing at the same place which you had left three years ago!" She laughed bitterly now.

"You knew right, that 'this' is going to happen soon?" I asked after a small pause.

"Honestly saying, I knew nothing. But yes, when Kshitiz came to me and asked about a reconciliation, followed by that invitation to his destination wedding... I got some intuitions that something good was going to happen."

"But this is not good Raima." I protested immediately.

"What is not good? Our reunion or your meeting with Dev?" She countered me.

"The second one." I dropped my eyelids to examine my footwear.

"What if I say that you are overthinking?"

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