Black and rainbow- dragon and the kitty

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "yeah, no idea where they are right now, but they'll turn up I'm sure."

the infirmary door opens, and I see Blake walk in with a bunch of red roses, looking sheepish. She looks up over to me and sees Ruby wrapped around my neck and Saphire beside my bed.

Blake: "Y/n, you're awake!"

Y/n: "yep, and feeling better than ever."

Blake smiles as she walks towards me, Pegasus gives her a smile and stand back so she can get closer to me.

Y/n: "oh right, introductions. Blake, I'd like you to meet my TRUE deck, this little bundle of mischief around my neck is Ruby Carbuncle, and that stalwart stallion over there is my trusty Sapphire Pegasus, 2 of the 7 crystal beast cards, I either created them, or I found them, I can't remember which..."

Pegasus: "you created our spirits a long time ago Y/n,that was long before we met Jesse."

Y/n: "I can't remember that, my memory is still kinda fuzzy after the experiments that created me..."

Blake: *sits on the bed beside me* "created you?"

Y/n: "yeah it's a long story that I promise I'll tell you once i'm well enough... hey Blake did you get me flowers?"

Blake: "I umm.. I thought you'd still be asleep."

Y/n: "are you embarrassed?"

Blake: "I mean... after what we said on the rooftop..."

Y/N: "oh right! I never answered your question." I place my hand around her waist and smile. Her eyes go wide for a moment, before she loosens up and smiles back "yeah, I do think you're cute."

Blake: "oh yeah? Prove it."

Y?n: "hey uh Ruby? Can you go sit on Pegasus for a moment? "

Pegasus: *chuckles* "actually we'll both return to card form, give you some privacy- wait... I sense someone... someone of pure energy, I think its... Hmm, sir by any chance do you remember a mighty warrior called Neos? You fought alongside him a few times when we met Jesse."

Y/n: "no, sorry pal. Can't remember a thing."

Pegasus: "I believe he's here, on this realm somewhere. Perhaps a worthy ally to aid us if we ever needed the help?"

Y/n: "perhaps. But for now if you 2 could umm..."

Pegasus: "OH yes of course! Come Ruby, let's leave them to it." The pair revert to their card form and fly back into me deck.

Y/n: "so little kitty, even when you know I'm a dragon you still like me?"

Blake: "to be honest it's pretty cool to be saying you're dating a mythical creature~"

Y/n: "dating huh? And here's me thinking we haven't even had our first kiss just yet."

Blake: "well that can be solved immediately~"

She pushes me down onto the bed and straddles my hips, essentially trapping me under the bed cover and then her!

She leans down and kisses my neck, which makes my entire body shudder, she sits back up and looks at me quizzically

Y/n: "what's wrong? That felt amazing."

Blake: "your skin just shifted into different colours. It was like a... a rainbow, oh that makes sense."

Y/n: "yeah, I'm your rainbow dragon, you just haven't seen my true splendour yet."

Blake: "was that your attempt at a chat up line or just you stating a fact?"

Blue eyes are shining bright- male amnesiac reader X BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now