Day 1

26 3 2

2nd August, 2018. Thursday.

I am practicing to improve my writing at the moment so my diary will be undergoing a complete makeover. Let's get started.

6:00 am. I absolutely loathe alarm clocks. I got dressed and headed down to breakfast. 

"So, Will, how's it going?"

"It's all fine, dad," I replied to the newspaper hiding my father's face.

I played around with my spoon. I already knew what this conversation would lead up to. My mother was extremely quiet, which was unusual for her because there was always the buzz of noise and activity around her. My father placed the newspaper down on the table beside him.

"Will, we need to talk," he said.

"Yeah, 'course," I replied.

"Why don't you ever go to your friends' house?" he asked.

"You know why, dad," I sighed, "I don't have any friends. I'm not really a social person. I like to keep to myself most of the time."

"That's not what I heard," he said, "I met Josh the other day."

"Josh?" I perked up, then I mentally chided myself for doing that and went back to leaning back on the chair.

"What did he say?" I asked, my eyes trained on the floor.

"He said you'd stopped talking to anyone except the teachers. You're active in class but sulk around the campus. What's going on in your head? Tell me. I can help," he said.

"Nothing's going on in my head. Like I told you before I'm not a social person. I don't like the company of people. It's distracting. I like to work alone," I said, somewhat defensively.

The alarm went off once again, giving me an excuse to leave.



I turned around to find Josh running toward me. I started back towards the school building.

"Stop!" he called after me, "Where are you going?"

He caught up with me and grabbed my shoulder.

Damn, the guy's fast.

Woops. My professionalism is falling apart. Totally not my fault.

"What did you tell my father?" I demanded him.

"The truth," he said, falling in line with my pace.

I stopped to glare at him. He stared right back at me, unflinching. His hair tousled in the soft breeze. A strand of hair stroked his cheek. I dropped my gaze and turned around.

"I knew you'd give in," he grinned, "So, you free today?"

My mouth almost fell open in shock, but I managed to control myself.


"I'm really bored these days," he explained, "I wanted some company."

"That's not the reason," I taunt him.

"Fine," he admitted, "I need help with homework... and I can't play video games alone."



"Got it?" 

"Yep!" Josh replied, "Thank you so much."

My face grew hot.

"Are you blushing?" Josh asked, "Why are you blushing?"

"I'm just hot, Josh," I replied, panicking slightly but keeping my voice steady.

"Well, everyone knows you're hot. But that's not the reason,"

I blush even more at that.

"I gotta go," I said, jumping up and packing up my things, "It's getting late. I'll get grounded."

"It's just 8:25," he countered, checking his watch.

"You don't live with me. You don't know my parents," I cover up.

"I'd love to live with you. You're parents are real cool. I don't get why you're always shut up at your house, your parents encourage you so much."

What has gotten into him today? I wondered, Or is it just me for interpreting whatever he says wrongly?

"I'm going home."


I spent the rest of my time twisting and turning in bed, before deciding to write this.

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