<Chapter 5: CARL TO THE RESCUE!>

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A/N: Carl's Seizure xD

Just shake it off Carl!


Bloom's P.O.V

"Look!" I said. There was a sign and map the led to a place call 'Terminus!'. I read the sign aloud "Sanctuary for all. Community for all. Those who arrive survive!".

"Should we go?" Michonne asked Rick. "I guess." He said as we started to walk again. We continued to walk for a good 3 hours. "What are you guys doing?" I asked. "I gonna win a bet!" Michonne said.

"No! I'm gonna win!" Carl said as he tried to push Michonne of the railroad. Michonne fell off and took out a couple chocolate bars. "No not that one!" She groaned.

Carl came and caught up with me. "Here!" he said as he passed me half of the chocolate bar. "Thanks." I said as I took it. "What happened here?" Carl asked poking my cheek. "Nothing." I said too fast.

"Then ways is there a hand print there?" Carl asked again. Rick how hard did you slapped me! I get why he did it. And I'm pretty sure dad told him. But how hard did you slapped me.

"I did that Carl." Rick turned around. I could see the anger in Carl. I held his hand. "Carl if he didn't then I would've hurt myself." I whispered. "w-why?" he said looking at me.

"You know what happened to me in the past. With my mom. Well I think you she dramatized me and when I get nightmares, when I get harmed or hurt I do it in the real life."

"THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN WHY HE HAD TO SLAP YOU!" "Carl I was in a deep sleep! IT WAS FREAKING 3 IN THE AFTERNOON! And I was still asleep he had no other choice!" Wow I just realized who long I slept. "Ok fine!" he said as wrapped his arms around me. We approached this house to stay in for the night. I went outside to get some fresh air.

After a while Carl came and joined me. "Do you think the world will go back to normal?" Carl asked. "I'm pretty sure that the sickness or what ever this is hit every where in the world. Do you know how many people they are on this world?!" I said as Carl stopped rocking me back and forth. "why did yo---" "Shh get down." he said as a car passed by but then stopped.

"Carl" "Shh it gonna be fine." The car drive backwards slowly. We quickly sat in a corner of the porch behind a bush. The car stopped in front of the house.

He hugged me tightly. "it's gonna be okay." He whispered. "I swear I saw something moving!" a guy said. Then the bushes started to move. "AH HA! I'm getting kinda rusty. Don't you think Andy?" The guy said.

"Kinda!" Andy, I guess, said. The bushes moved even more. A walker moaning was heard. Carl covered my mouth. He continued to hug me.

"Listen go throw the bars and go to the backyard. Whatever happens Don't. Look. Back!" he whispered/commanded. I kissed him and did what he said. I fit right throw the bars and went to the backyard.

I heard gunshot after. Don't look back. Don't look back. Don't look back! "Fuck it!" I said as I ran to the front yard. By the time I got there he was gone. The car was gone.

I saw his hat laying on the road. I ran and pick it up. "CARL!" I screamed knowing he's gone. All I can do was cry. Soon Rick and Michonne joined. "H-he can't be gone!" I said.

"Bloom let's go inside." Rick said. "NO HE CAN'T LEAVE!" I screamed. "Bloom!" Rick said as he picked me up and went inside. Once we were in side I explained everything to them.

"Wh-what?" Rick said. "HE'S GONE! And tomorrow I'm gonna look for him! Dad taught me a thing or two and I'm gonna find him." I said. I put the hat on and went to bed. In the morning we walked down the railroad.

The tire had a pattern witch was imprinted on the gravel. But the tracks followed the railway. By night fall we found a car to sleep in.


*THUMP!* "Ah son of a bitch!" I said as I got up. It's the middle on the night. What the hell is going on out there?

The door opened I thought it was Rick but the guy grabbed me and pulled me out. I couldn't clearly see the person because of the hat but I was push into a tree. I turned around and quickly fixed the hat.

A woman grabbed my neck and pushed me against the tree. "How is my Boo?" she asked. "M-mom?" I said terrified of what will happened next. She punched me in the stomach.

"HOLLY LEAVE HER ALONE!" Dad said. DAD! Thank god he's still alive! Another punch in the stomach. I was holding in my pain and scream.

How is she alive? I thought the polices killed all prisoners! Why is she even alive?

"I told you not to tell. I told you what will happen and now it's time for you to die." She said and punch me in the stomach. I scream and whimpered.

"But I'm not gonna kill you he is." I was pushed to the ground and a guy got on top of me. "NOO!" Dad scream and they forced him to watch.

"Awe such a sweet and innocent flower you are!" He held both of my hands up, above my head, and laughed. "Don't cry, just don't move a lot and it won't hurt a lot!" I started to squirm. He crashed his lips on mine, one hand holding my wrists and another hand traveling up and down my body. "STOP! PLEASE!" Dad beg.

From the corner of my eye I could see him trying to break free from two dudes grip. Tears were flowing out on the side on my face.

I bit his tongue hard enough for it to bleed. "AH FUCK! YOU LITTLE BITCH!" he scream as he let go of my wrist. I tried to grabbed a knife that was close by. But the guy smack it farther.

"Wanna play hard to get? Huh!" he said as he punched me right in the jaw. "GET OFF OF HER!" I heard someone yelled.

But not just anyone! It was...

Carl's P.O.V

I'M FREE! I ran as fast as I could away from those people. Fuck they locked my in a room with a couple of walkers. Thank god there was a knife near me. I just wanted to see Bloom and my dad. Michonne too.

I went to the tracks too find this car I saw when they took me away. Probably they were looking for me and found the car to sleep in for the night.

I heard screaming coming from the direction that I'm going to. But not just any scream. Bloom! Was the only thing going throw my mind.

I ran faster just to get to her, even thought my legs were killing me. My grip on the knife that help me to my freedom got tighter. I didn't care what's going around me at this moment. But I just had to get to her.

I got to the car and saw a woman just looking at... Oh shit. Dad and Michonne had guns pointed to their heads. Two man were holding down Daryl. And there was a man trying to rape Bloom.

WAIT BLOOM! Shit shit shit shit shit shot shit! What do I don't. All the man are armed. Okay. "Hey who are yo---" I stab the woman in the head.

"AH FUCK! YOU LITTLE BITCH!" The guy on top of Bloom yelled as he punched her right in the jaw. "GET OFF OF HER!" I yelled as I ran towards the guy and pushed him right off.

"You fucking asshole!" I said through my clenched teeth. I still had my knife in my hand so I stabbed him. He yelled in pain.

"How can you touch my girlfriend if you have no hands?" I asked as I chopped his left hand off. I smiled at his pain. I grabbed his other hand and chopped it off.

"And how can you see her with no eyes, huh?" I stabbed his right eye. But not too deep for him to die. I decided that he had enough pain. "Good bye mother fucker!" I stabbed him in the head.

I got up to see if every one is okay. There was a bunch of dead dudes on the ground. Bloom was in her fathers arms crying. "DAD!" I yelled as I hugged him.

"Oh god. I missed you so much Carl!" He said. "I missed you too dad!" I said. "But someone missed you more!" he pointed towards Bloom. "I'll wait." I said seeing that she's having a moment with her dad.


A/N: Edit!

Stay wired

Xoxo Daniela!

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