Ch. 7 Do you really need a reason to trust me?

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*Unknown POV*

"Humans!" I hollered and ran out of the forest. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me and I finally reached me. There was 7, no 8 of them, all of them with a different facial expression. 

It's been a while since I've seen humans. They were all wearing green capes with the same symbol the jackets i saw in the forest, and that one green ripped up material.

I stood there for a while. A bit shocked, it's really them. But what am I supposed to do?

No I can't do anything stupid. I have to eventually gain their trust, and join them in battle.

The man in front, who I presumed to be the leader of this squad? They look like soliders, the jacket they'rewearing was the same one I found in the forest. The man, got off his horse and started to approach me.

"Corporal, what if she attacks us?" asks one that looks like a horse.

"If she was planning to, she missed her chance." said the man approaching me. He was shorter than I expected, but still taller than me, dagnabbit. Even though he was short, he sure did look intamadating.

"Levi, be careful." says one boy, with beautiful green and blue eyes. At this, the man approaching me snorts, and stops right in front of me. I take a step back, and he takes a step closer.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" He demands with a cold stare. 

It takes me a while, but I soon enough answer. "I'm afraid I can't answer that, but I'm here from a mission my King sent me on."

"Who's your king? Your not from here are you?" he says giving me an even colder stare, and taking a step closer to me causing to take yet another step back. This went on until I bumped into a tree with my back, almost making our noses touch.

"My King is Ferdinand the 2nd and I came from the North Region." I say, feeling a bit uncomfortable. I was never the type to be intamadated so easily, but this man was honestly scaring me a little.

"I've never heard of him, where's this North Region you speak of?" His face relaxing a little bit, I guessed that he realized I wasn't going to harm me.

"North," I say pointing behind me. "I had to pass 4 mountain ranges to get here, and I suppose it's the same to go back"

"You live in the outside world?" he asks me, all coldness leaving his face, replacing it with one of wonder and confusion.

"Uh, yeah I guess you can say that."

"Tell me more." he says while gripping the collar of my jacket.

"Um, I rather not repeat myself, and speak to your leader, unless.. You're the leader?"

"I'm the Corporal of the Survey Corps. But, you'll speak to me first."

"Can I not speak to your commander?"

"But I want to know."

"And you will, I'll answer all the questions you have."

He gives me a look over, "I don't trust you, but I'll take you, but tell me your name first."

I hesitate, but decide to tell him anyway. He was bound to find out either way. "Yessit, but you can call me Yessi."

"I've never heard of a name like that. It's weird."

"Uh yeah, what's your na-"

"Shut up, let's get going." He turns around to go on his horse when a titan suddenly appeared out of nowhere. What? I thought I drove them all away..

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