Ch. 5 Duuude

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(This is the contuniation of That Horse Face)

*Levi's POV*

I see Eren running towards me. Why?

"Levi! Guess what?"

"Um, your gay?" He stopped running at that.

"Y- what, NO!"

"Haha, I was only joking Eren." I laughed even more, but immediatley turned serious. "What did you want to tell me?" I wonderd if it was about the conversation between him and Erwin.

"Well, this only thing I'm allowed to say from the conversation, but since it's going to take a really long time to get the operation to take Wall Maria back running, they've decided for us to take an expedition outside the walls as like an umm"

"Like a test run?" I try to help him. He's really not that bright.

"Yeah! Well i think that's how they put it. I don't remember.." he trails off.

"I'm sure that's how they put it Eren. So we're going on another expedition?" I ask.

"Yes, and we are to inform everybody and get ready to depart thursday."

"Thursday, okay I'll go inform the higher up squads and you go inform the rest okay Eren?"

"Yes sir!" He salutes me and turns around only to turn around again. "Um Corporal," He said Corporal, he's about to ask an extremely stupid question, "what day is it?" I just knew he was going to ask that question.

I sigh. "It's Monday Eren."

"Wait what? Wasn't it Thursday yesterday?" he asks frantically.

"Did you forget you were passed out for three days?" Did he really forget? He woke up like 3 hours ago.

"Oh yeah! I totally didn't forget." he laughs and scratches the back of head. What an idiot. 

"Just get going before I knock you out Eren." With that his face alarms and runs out. "Well that did make my day." I turn around and walk to the where the officers are. I can't help but to think, idiot, what an idiot, but then again he's my idiot.


We were all at the stage, with Erwin just finishing his speech. "You're all dismissed!" 

"Yes sir!" Everybody salutes in unison. Tomorrow is a day off. It's a new tradition we've started. When there's a new expedition, they're all allowed to have a day off in order to visit their families, since it might be the last time they might see them. Thanks to Eren, we only now lose 20% of our troops, since he can command the titans to go somewhere else and get out of our way. Never in million years would I think that'd be possible but it is with Eren.

I walk to my squad, which is none other called the Rivaille Special Operation Squad. They're all idiots to be honest, butt hey truly are remarkable. They've survuved this whole time, even Conny and Sasha their a bunch of dumbballs. I honestly ran out of names to call them.

Most of my squad doesn't do much on their day off since they don't have any family except Jean and Sasha.

"Hey, guys guess what we're doing tomorrow?"

"Um, I don't know?" I point and only Eren knows what i mean.

"Cleaning." I say with the starightest face I can pull.



"Cleaning is retarded." I turn to see Mikasa glaring at me.

I jump and point a finger in her face causing her eyes to widen. "In the holy name of cleaning! What did you say?"

"I said.. It's retarded." She says it bluntly. 

"Why you.." I pull out my hankercheif, and slap her across the face with it only causing her to grab it and rip it in half. I gasp for air and take a step beck. I put a hand to my chest and dramatically say "HANKY!" 

"Duuude." Armin says.

"Jeez, Levi. she didn't mean it, we all love cleaning, right guys?" Eren says and everybody responds with uneasy answers "Uh yeah totally."

Eren helps me up since and regain my composure. "I'm fine," I huff. "Just go already." everybody leaves, but Eren stays. "Aren't you going to go Eren?"

"No, I'm not really in the mood." He walks away, leaving me a bit dumbfounded. He's the only one who cleans just how i like it, but I decide to just let him be. I always make him clean, sometimes a guy just needs a break. Now that i think about it , I need a break.

I go back to my room and lay down. The sun hasn't set yet, but I'm really tired. Yet, i can't even take a nap. That stupid feeling I'm getting keeps coming back. Maybe it came back from the depths of hell. No, just no. It'snothing, I'm just overreacting.  Yeah that's it.


*Eren POV*

Levi is such a freak with cleaning, and Mikasa always pisses him off. It honestly makes me mad that she does that, he's a great yet complicated guy, but I understand where she comes from. What a pain.

I head to that really nice tree and perch up against it. I decide to watch the sunset.

It's been eight years mom. I've survived this whole time. I hope you proud. It hasn't been easy, and I really have no idea how you'd take the whole thing that I'm a titan shifter, and humanity's greatest hope. I hope you'd of been proud. 

The wind started to kick and the suns last rays lighting up the surrounding scenery making it a beautiful view.

Mom, I vowed to kill every titan and you bet I will do just that.

About half an hour later of just random thoughts, and watching the sun set, I decide to head back. I walk back and go to my room. I wondered where Levi was, but I figured he was tired so I decided not to bother him. 

I lay down in bed and give myself the little speechI always did before doing something important.

Just watch me eradicate all the titans, all of you just watch me. I am going to kill all the titans and explore the outside world, and I'll bring all of you wtih me.

I get up, walking into the corridor and head outside. I can't sleep, like always. I get that same feeling like something is going to happen, but I doubt it. Oh being a titan gives you psychological powers? Yeah right.

It's just a feeling, nothing more. I turn around to hear footsteps, but once  I look back, I don't see anything. Hmm.I can't help but feel a little worried, I did get kidnapped 3 times and I think that's enough. I know i shouldn't even be put here, but I can't help it. I want a little more freedom, all this stuff about saving humanity isn't the great.

Your friends end up not being your friends, everyone thinks your going to kill them when in fact all you want to do is protect with your life. Funny, how the feeling almost never flows both ways, but I suppose that's life. And if it is, then it's one cruel son of bitch.

I reach the place I was heading for, the one tree that I really like, and lay down. I stare at the stars and wonder what they really are. Armin says that their balls of gas, saying he read it in one of the forbidden books even Hanji says that too, but my mother always told me that when you die you become a star in the sky. I'm not really that smart, and I can never understand all that science crap. It never made sense.

All I want to do is the outside world, I don't care about science, I rather see the world myself then read it in a forbidden book.

I end up dozing off under the tree as I kept gazing at the stars.

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