Ch. 6 How do I comprehend this?

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*Levi POV*

I don't understand why I'm feeling this. we haven't been on an expedition since the last one three years ago. But why.. Why do I feel like this. How do I comprehend this feeling..

I know I lost all my original comrades. That was one heart wrenching blow, and I can't possibly handle it if it happend again.

Eren.. Dammit, I feel like a Mikasa right now. But I just can't lose him. If I lose the others, that would hurt, but lose Eren.. No, he won't die. I need him..

"Where the fuck is Eren? We leave in like half an hour and I haven't even seen him once." I growl out.

"Corporal,  I'm not sure where he is. I checked his bedroom earlier and he wasn't there." Jean says.

"I know, I checked when I woke up, but I thought he was already getting his stuff together and then went to the mess hall. Was he there?"

"Actually, now that I think about it, he wasn't. I asked Mikasa, but she said he was probabaly sleeping. That's when I wen to check if he was-"

"And he wasn't. Jean, look over my stuff." I glare at him, he knows that when I glare, I mean buisness and not slacking off.

I look in every spot I can think of. Then it hits me, that really nice tree.  That's where he would be, where else?

I walk towards Eren, seeing him sleeping peacefully. He really does look like a kid. I shake him awake.

"I'm afraid I have to wake you up you brat. " He stirs and mumbles words I can't understand. At least he isn't sleep talking,  he tends to say some creepy shit making me wonder what the hell dreams about.

"I'll kill you all. You animals in human flesh.." he growls lowly. Yup, he's definitely talking in his sleep. What the hell is he dreaming? He trashes a but and I'm not really sure on what to do.

"Eren, you little shit." I scoot cooser and slap the shit out him. He jerks upright, and frantically looks around him, not noticing me yet.

"You bastards, I'll kill you all!" he yells, standing up.

"As much fun as that sounds, we need to go Eren. We're leaving already." He jumps around to face and his posture relaxes. "What were you dreaming?" I ask him carefully, as I stand up.

" Nothing." He says a little embarrassed.

I grab his arm pulling him towards me. I pull him into a tight embrace. Shock and surprise lights up his face, but soon enough he puts his arms up and hugs me back. This warmth.. I haven't felt it, ever before.

"Eren.." I breathe out.

"Levi.." he huffs out, probably because I'm squeezing him so tight. Dammit.

"I'm not sure what this is, but don't die on me Eren.." I say into his shoulder since he's taller than me.

"I don't think I can die that easily Levi, I usually regenerate," he says with a little laugh but soon turning serious, "You, you better not die on me.."

I let him go and look into his eyes, "I won't." Then, I punch him. Right in the shoulder, careful not to hit him in the face. He already had an ugly bruise on it.

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