Ch. 2 Is it really happening?

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Run, just run. It's the only thing to do beside fight. Either way you're going to die.

"Mikasa!" Eren yells.

I follow him as he runs towards Mikasa, it was an order from Erwin that I never leave Eren out of my eyes since we got him back from being kidnapped. His room is even next to mine. What a pain.

Mikasa turns around, "Mikasa guess what?" she barely opens her mouth when "We're going-" I haul him next to the stables with me.

"Hey, what do you think your doing!" asks Eren frantically.

"What do you think your doing? And keep it down will ya? I haven't even brought this up to Erwin."


"Just shut up. You can go with Mikasa and Armin, but don't tell them yet."

"Fine. I wasn't even going to tell them anyway." Eren huffs and walks away.

"What a pissy little guy."

"The same can be said about you, you know." I turn around to see Hanji. "Why you-"

"Oh, it was just a joke, anyway what were you and Eren talking about?" Hanji asks abruptly.

"Mind your dam buisness shitty glasses." I spat at her. I walk away angrily, man have I been pissed off lately.


I walk into the headquaters and practically death stare everyone. Once I reach erwin's office I felt somebody behind me. "Oh what now?" I turn around to see Erwin himself.

"Oh Levi, what brings you upon my office?" he says a bit chirply as he opens the door to his office and dits down behimd his desk.

"Well, I'll like to talk about the conquest to take Wall Maria back."

"Blunt way to put it, but that's your style. Anyway, you really think he's ready?"

"If you're talking about Eren, then yes. To be honest, he's always a bit underprepared, but his determination is what always keeps him safe. Little bastard he is, but he's ready, we're ready Erwin." I say as gripping the desk, making a more dramatic effect to my rather monotone and tense voice.

"You know i'm all up for it, but do you have any idea how long all the preperation will take? And to get this expedition to get approved. Their not that fond of Eren." I slump back in my chair.

"Well of course they don't, that's why we got him. What a pain, how long will it take?"

"Well," he grabs his chin thinking, maybe about 6 months."

I shoot up from my chair. "6 MONTHS?" I cast him with my glare.

"Levi calm down. "

I've been so caught up with all this Eren shit, that I just had to forget this. "Just tell me when it gets approved." I stand up from chair to leave, but Erwin puts his hand signaling me to sit back down.

"Are you okay Levi?"

"Where the hell did that come from?" I said scowling like usual. "What are you, my mom?" From this, erwin is a little taken back.

"If I wouldn't know, I'd say your on your period Levi."

"Oh, please never say that, that's-"

"Levi. I can't help but to notice, but you've been really pissy lately. can I know why?"

"Again, what are you, my mom? I'm fine."

"No, you're not-"

I stood up. "Done. I'm fine, just leave me alone. " I walk towards the door when his words hit me like a brick to the face.

"Have you ever thought of being with someone?" I stare at him coldly for the lonest time until I walk out and slam the door.

"I can't handle all these freaks.." I mumble to myself.

I stomp out of the HQ gaining many stares not much to my surprise. Oh no, the memories are coming back. Her stupid face and orange hair and those eyes...

Dammit, I go with 3DMG to the nearby forest and keep going for a while and stop. It's been three years, why now. I haven't thought about her in the last two years. I guess you can't really runaway from feelings.

"Petra.." There's no use, she's gone, been gone for three years. She was the first girl I ever had feelings for that weren't brotherly sisterly love, but they were ripped away from me when I saw her dead. What a life, these damn titans ruin everything.

Erwin's words are hitting me somewhere I haven't been in probabaly years. Feeling, I really hate them. Make you weak and feel like shit. I sigh.


I hed back to HQ's. I take an alternate route where's this really nice tree with a nice view. Kicking stones on the path like a little kid, I look up to see Eren perched up against the tree with a serious look on his face. He doesn't seem to notice me. He looks so peaceful.

He abruptly gets up and hurls a rock into the distance, and does it go far. He turns and sees me.

"Oh, Corpora-al, I mean Le- Levi. sorry, I k-know I shouldn't be out here-"

"Eren, it's okay. Everybody needs fresh air once in a while."

"Y-yeah, that's true." he shrughs. What a boy, I think to myself.

"Hey Eren?"

"Huh? What?

"Walk with me eh?"

"Uh, yeah sure. "

This feeling again.. what the hell.

I stop and stare at Eren, seconds later he's on the floor, from the punch I gave him right in the jaw. "Sorry, I had to."

"Why.." he groans out.

"You had a smudge ion your face." I walk away, leaving him on the floor, telling myself that he'll be fine.

(Discontinued) It's Closer Than You Think - Attack on Titan ( fanfic )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz