"-without questioning if her own brother is actually fine or not," Isabelle added thoughtfully.

"–yeah, and Damon says the red dress?"

"–Elena says the red dress. Damon says she can't feed on animals–" Isabelle interrupted, her eyes going wide in realization.

"Elena can't keep animal blood down and name one vampire in the history of vampires who couldn't drink from blood–bags? Damon says she can't, so she can't!" Stefan finished before Isabelle gasped as her eyes traveled to look at the three with a baffled expression.

"Damon's blood made Elena a vampire. It's rare but it's possible. Maybe this is actually true, maybe, this is actually happening." Caroline stated as Niklaus looked at Isabelle in concern.

"Elena's sired to Damon!" Isabelle gasped out before her knees gave up and she sat back on the couch. Worried, Niklaus was quick to take her hand in his to stop her from having a panic attack as Stefan and Caroline exchanged concerned glances.

"No no no–this can't be happening! This shouldn't happen." Isabelle chanted with her hands clutching her head.

Till now, she was ready to excuse Elena's feelings for Damon, thinking that she might actually love him. 

But knowing about a sire bond, she couldn't help but be worried that Damon might use her little sister for his advantage. 

She loathed the guy and she didn't think that he even deserved an ounce of her respect and now, knowing that Damon would use this sire bond to his advantage, she wanted to pull his insides out.

"Izzy–" Niklaus tried to calm her by rubbing her palms as her mind slowly registered the situation and she finally looked at the three of them.

"How do we break it?" She asked with a cold expression on her face and her icy tone almost made Caroline shudder. She had never seen Isabelle this angry.

"The hybrids are sired to me because they're grateful that I took away their misery of turning on every full moon. Which is why they want to make me happy." Niklaus spoke thoughtfully making Isabelle look at him.

"What's the vampire equivalent?" She asked, hope shining in her eyes.

"That's the thing, there is no vampire equivalent. In Elena's case, all I can say is, that Elena had feelings for Damon before she turned which heightened because of vampirism and created the bond." Niklaus affirmed making Caroline's eyes go wide.

"What do you mean she had feelings for Damon? She was with Stefan at that time." Caroline exclaimed making Stefan look away. Isabelle scoffed.

"Is it really that difficult to believe that a doppelganger is in love with two brothers at the same time?" She said bitterly, her words sounded so cold that Elena would have burnt to death if she was here.

It wasn't Elena or Damon's fault that she was sired to him. Neither was the fact that Elena felt something for Damon before she was turned. 

You can't stop your feelings from running wild and your heart can settle on anyone it desires. But what was bothering Isabelle was the fact that Damon would use Elena if he knew that she was sired to him. 

 ᴛʜᴇ ǫᴜᴇᴇɴ⚜𝓔. 𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓪𝓮𝓵𝓼𝓸𝓷Where stories live. Discover now