Start from the beginning

"I think so too." Uncle Rayne agreed, making Luffy more excited, but Dad and I didn't have it.

"Then somebody trade places with him," Dad told them, not even looking at them, but that seemed to sober them all up a little.

"Okay, we're done talking. Let's drink." My Uncle gave in and walked off back to drinking from his barrel.

"Didn't you side with me!" Luffy snapped at them, getting angry, gritting his teeth together.

"In short, you're too much of a kid." Dad teased him, but I was only five years older than him as I was only 11, nearly 12 at the time. "I'll consider it when you're ten years older." That was how we decided when to leave the island ourselves, as Luffy was only seven then.

"Stupid Shanks! I'm not a kid!" Luffy snapped at him, growing frustrated with him. "I told you! I'm not a child!"

"Now, now. Don't get so mad. Have some juice!" Dad coaxed him, but it was too late to warn him about it as he rushed over, gleefully accepting the offer.

"Wow! Thanks!" He grabbed the drink taking large gulps of the orange liquid, making Dad turn around laughing.

"See, you are a kid!" Dad bellowed in laughter.

"That wasn't fair, Shanks!" Luffy barked back but gave up and walked off with his juice. "I'm tired now." He huffed near Uncle Benn and my stool.

"Luffy, you gotta try to understand how Boss feels." Uncle Benn advised him as he lit his cigarette.

"Firstmate!" Luffy gaped and looked up at him.

"There's no denying that he's the head of a pirate group. He knows how tough and dangerous being a pirate is more than anybody." Uncle Benn told him; I knew he was talking about my Mother, Anna and what happened to her. "Don't you see? It's not like he wants to break your spirit."

"No, I don't! Shanks is just making fun of me!" Luffy snorted in disbelief.

"Anchor!" Dad called out for Luffy.

"See!" Luffy turned around, pointing at Dad again.

"I guess you're having fun as usual," Makino commented as she looked at him, and he turned on his stool with his elbows propped on the bar.

"Yeah, I like teasing him." Dad agreed with a slight smirk.

"Luffy, do you wanna eat something too?" Makino asked him, turning to look at the small kid.

"Uh-huh! Put it on my treasure tab!" Luffy cheered, raced to the bar again, and hopped onto the barstool beside Dad and me.

"The treasure tab again? That's fraud, you know?" Dad told him as if he could talk.

"No, it's not! Once I become a pirate and find a treasure, I'll pay for it." Luffy argued, thinking pretty simply.

"I'm counting on it." Makino just laughed it off as she cleaned a glass, and Luffy laughed with her and began eating.

"Shanks," Luffy asked.

"What?" Dad answered while he and Luffy both ate.

"How much longer are you gonna stay in this village?" Luffy asked him while trying to eat the piece of meat.

"Let's see... We're gonna go on a couple of voyages then leave this village to head north." Dad answered him.

"A couple of voyages, huh?" Luffy seemed disappointed at that, and both Makino and I noticed but just smiled to encourage the small boy. "I'll practice swimming while you're here!" He changed his tune.

The Straw Hat's Red Devil - Sky Island Saga (No. 3)Where stories live. Discover now