Chapter 20

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"So you're a good guy now? I'm just supposed to accept that people change?" I look from Thor to Loki in disbelieve.

"I'm afraid so. Now I don't know much about Midgard but I'm pretty sure all young Midgardians attend school."

Thor nods in agreement. "Why are you not at the place of learning?"

"I have more important matters at hand. Actually, I could use your help."

Thor smiles, "Whatever you need. I will always be of service to the daughter of Stark."

I roll my eyes at the daughter of Stark comment. I've tried to explain to him that Tony is not my father but he doesn't seem to want to listen. I smiled back. "Great."

"What do you need us to do?"

"Beg your pardon? I didn't agree to anything."

"Well, I need as many people as I can get and it seems like your brother just volunteered you." I smiled sweetly.

Loki pursed his lips. "Fine. What assistance do you acquire."

I grinned. "I thought you'd never ask."

* * *

Within fifteen minutes I was driving around in one of Tony's car with Thor in the passenger seat and Loki in the back. Every time I looked at the rearview mirror there was an annoyed expression plastered on Loki's face. I looked up again and this time Loki was looking me right in the eyes.

He glared at me, "Where are we even going?"

I smiled. "I have to find Peter because he's off doing god knows what, getting himself into who knows how much trouble. Now we could spend hours searching the city to see if we could find him, or I could use you guys to help me get the information out of Peter's best friend."

"Wait just one minute, are you saying we're about to torture an innocent individual?" Loki said.

"Now dear child, I don't think torture is the best-"

"I'm in." Loki interrupted Thor and smiled.

I shook my head. "We're not torturing him, but I'm glad to know I have someone to call in the case that I do need to torture someone." Loki smiled a mischievous smile. "I'm hoping that if Ned meets Thor that he will be so star struck he will tell him anything." I pull the car into the school parking lot and park it under a tree so it was out of sight of anyone staring out the window hoping to alleviate some of their boredom.

"I don't mean to be a pest, actually I do, why in god's name am I here if this kid is going to spill from just one look at Thor?" Loki glared at me, clearly annoyed with the situation.

"Calm down you big drama queen. Ned doesn't leave class unless it's an emergency, or if he gets distracted. And he gets distracted very easily. So, Loki, you're job is to distract him."

"With what? My charming good looks?" He smirked and played with the small dagger in his hands.

"Very funny. Nothing distracts Ned more than an adorable puppy. And I happen to know someone who can shapeshift." I smiled.

"No way. Absolutely not. There's no way I'm transforming into some weak mutt to distract some freak's best friend."

"Don't you dare call him a freak! He's my-" I stopped myself, the overwhelming feeling of needing to cry bubbling inside me. "Look, Ned won't tell me where he is and I need both of your help to get the information from him."

"I still think I could easily get it out of him if we go with the torture method."

Thor started to say something but I interrupted him. "Loki, please." I looked at him until he finally brought his eyes to mine. I stared back at him for what felt like forever.

He sighed. "Fine, but just this once."

* * *

Sneaking Loki and Thor into the school is probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. You try sneaking the God of Thunder and the God of Mischief into a school filled with hundreds of students without someone noticing. Thankfully we showed up right near the end of a period so everyone was still in class. I snuck them through the back door and had them hide under the bleachers in the gym. I knew there was no class going on this period because Peter and I snuck out of study hall to hang out in here. I knew Ned had study hall at the same time as us and he liked to sit on the stairs right near the gym where it was quiet.

After I went over the plan one last time Loki shapeshifted into the cutest little husky puppy ever. I took a picture while he wasn't looking because it's not so often you get the chance to have blackmail against a god.

Loki ran off to the stairs to collect Ned and Thor and I waited patiently for his return. Within a few minutes, I heard the sound of paws on tile and a protesting Ned chasing after the small dog. As they rounded the corner I pulled Thor out from behind the bleachers.

"Come here little pup-" Ned's eyes grew wide as he watched Loki transform back into his human appearance. His eyes moved from Loki to me, then finally landed on Thor. "Oh my god, your Thor. Like THE God of Thunder. You're amazing. This is like the best day of my life."

I rolled my eyes as Ned fanboyed over Thor, not even caring that the puppy he was just chasing turned into a man who tried to take over our city a few years ago. Boys.

"Hello there, young Midgardian. It is so very nice to meet you, but I'm afraid this must be a quick visit. I'm here to inquire about the whereabouts of your dear friend Peter Parker."

"Oh my god Thor needs my help. He's, uh, fighting-" Ned stopped right before he spilled Peter's location and turned to me. "No, you are not allowed to trick me into telling you where he is by using a random Avenger." Thor looked hurt about being called a "random" Avenger but didn't say anything.

"Why don't you just tell me! You literally just said he's fighting someone, so unless he went home sick because he's fighting a cold, he's in danger. Now tell me where he is."

Ned looked down and shook his head. I could feel the uncertainty coming off of him, his mind clearly wondering what would happen if he told me. He sighed. "He's at the abandoned building out near Stower's Lake. He got a tip saying there was a couple girl's being held hostage out there. I told him I thought it was a trap, that someone doesn't just purposely try to get attacked so that he or she can find you and tell you information about another crime. He didn't believe me. He still wanted to check it out though, insisting that there was no harm in it. I think his judgment has gone a little bit since you guys broke up." He looked up at me when he said this but didn't say anything else about it when he saw the look on my face. The mention of the end of our relationship still made me want to vomit.

I pushed the feeling away and returned my focus to the problem at hand, one that happened to involve the impending doom of the person I loved. If Ned was right, and this was a trick, the people who planned it most likely wanted to find out Spider-Man's identity, or worse, are planning to kill him.

"Let's go brothers of Asgard. We've got someone's ass to save."

"Sam wait." Ned grabbed my arm. "Be careful. Peter made me promise not to tell you because he didn't want something like this happening. He didn't want you in the face of danger."

I nodded my head. Peter always wanted me out of harm. What he didn't realize was he could distance himself as much as possible but I would still be in danger. I would be in danger my whole life. That's what happens when your loved ones are superheroes, that's what happens when you get taken in by the members of the Avengers. It was time for me to stop living in fear of the danger.

Author's Note

So I know I haven't posted in a while but I've been busy/didn't really know how to continue. I'll do my best to continue to write but I only have a month before school starts up again. Any way I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for reading!

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