Temporary Bliss.

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Chapter 20.

"Temporary Bliss"-The Cab.

A/N: not really going with this one either, but it's all I could think of, sorry. Enjoy! :)


I am not sure how long I just stared at the blonde that sat on the opposite side of the table, just giving him the plain blank look.

And then annoyance, disbelief and frustration stepped in. I narrowed my eyes at him, anger slowly kicking in as well.

''Cut the crap, Hemmings. What do you mean, Ashton? What do you have with Ashton?'' I spoke, my tone aggravated.

Luke didn't seem affected though. He had a happy smile dancing on his lips as he took a sip of his espresso. He made sure to make those annoying noises with his pipe, untill I slammed my palm onto the table surface, glaring straight into his blue eyes. Luke chuckled, putting the thing away, raising his hands up in surrender.

''He is in my band after all. We rehearse together, chill at Mike's-''

''I get it. Now elaborate. What about him?''

Luke smirked. ''I do know that something's been bothering him these past days and I know you've noticed too.'' he paused to see if I was giving him any reaction. I was.

I oogled him with pure confusion on my face, not knowing what to make out of this. What is his point? Does he also know what is bothering him? But... why would Ashton tell him that and not me?

''Luke, do you know?'' I questioned quietly, still not tearing my eyes from his. Luke shrugged.

''Yea.'' he answered as if it's not a big deal. But I knew it was a big deal, or else Ashton wouldn't act that way. He's acting strange, like never before. Something is wrong.

''What is it? Luke, tell me, I have to know. He won't tell me anything.'' I told him, now desperate. Ashton means so much to me and it's killing me if I know that he's not okay.

Luke simply stared at me for a couple of moments, observing my expression. He must've saw how vulnerable I looked or else he wouldn't suddenly have that serious expression written across his pale face.

''You care about him, don't you?'' he asked, his tone even quieter then mine was just seconds before. His gaze was dropped to the cup I held between my both hands, his lips forming a straight line. His voice, the way he said those words, somehow gave away some odd feeling. As if he's... hurt.

I didn't take long to answer. ''I do. He means a lot to me and I'd do whatever it takes to make sure he's okay.''

Luke's face morphed back into its previous expression as quickly as it appeared. The smirk was playing on his face as he leaned his chin onto his palm.

''Then you'll have to stick to my deal  if you wanna find out. Because Ashton ain't telling you anything.'' he told me, examining his hands and picking at his nails carelessly.

I narrowed my eyes at him. ''And why would he tell you? How do you know, Luke? Why the hell should I trust you, huh?'' I questioned, tilting my head to the side in suspicion. Luke didn't look anywhere near affected. He shrugged his broad shoulders, eyes still glued to his hands.

''He did. You don't trust me, you don't get to know what's going on with your friend. To you is to choose, babe.'' he said.

I scowled at his bluntness. But I took a few minutes to think about what he said.

Luke's not a guy with best intentions, I got to learn that pretty quickly. He's mischievous, careless, annoying and even a bit evil sometimes. Nothing that major but still. He's definitely not the most trustworthy person I know so that itself makes me question myself twice. How do I know if he's speaking the truth about Ashton? What if he's just lying? Well... in that case, I could make a deal with him as well.

''If I accept your secret offer, when are you going to tell me about Ashton?'' I asked finally, giving him a daring look. Luke was hesitant for a moment, but the  gave me one of his significant shrugs.

''We can discuss that later. ''

''No, Luke. We will discuss that now.''

''But I don't wanna''

''I don't care.''

Luke finally huffed, crossing his arms together. I rose an eyebrow.

''Fine. I'm going to tell you about that.''

''Now, Luke. '' I demanded impatiently. Well, he's been testing my patience for too long and I'm sick of it.

''Will you go along with my plan, then?'' he asked hopefully. I remembered that right when he said it.

''What is the plan?''

Luke gave me the really? look. ''You have to agree first, then I'll tell you.'' he told me, smirking.

I gaped at him. ''Dude, I cannot 'agree first', I cannot agree to something I know nothing about! You're frustrating me now!'' I almost yelled, and Luke seemed perfectly fine.

''I don't care. I will tell you about Ashton immediately, right before I tell you the plan. All you have to do is agree first.''

I took a long breath, filled with frustration. This boy is driving me insane. I cannot stand him and his arrogance. Jesus, how can he be so insensitive and cruel? All I wanna know is what's up with Ashton. And he's making it a whole lot harder than it should be with his stupid requests.

''Fine!'' I snapped at last, having enough of it. ''I agree! I fucking agree, happy? Now speak, Hemmings and don't test me anymore because I'm keeping myself from snapping your neck in half.'' I growled, sending him my best killer glare.

Luke actually seemed afraid for a second, but he masked it quickly with that annoying smirk.

''Alright princess. Well, let's bring it up then.'' he said confidently. ''I'm not gonna give you that stupid crap and will just jump to the topic. ''

''Right. ''

''Basically, you have to help me make Aleisha jealous so she takes me back.'' he told me, the seriousness back on his face.

I frowned.

''And how exactly do I 'help you' with that?'' I mocked, glaring straight into the blue of his eyes.

Luke grinned at last. ''By pretending to be my girlfriend.''



Uh-oh Lukey!

What's Hazel gonna do? Any suggestions, thoughts, comments? C'mon everyone! xxx

It's short but I'll make it a double update or something if I can, I'm tired now, been to the another pool party, had so much fun. I met a girl, she's Directioner and a 5sos fan and she's lovely. I'll even do a dedication of one of my chapters to her, she deserves it.

Anyways, still trying to get Lucas Robert Hemmings to freaking follow me on Twitter. I've been spamming him, though not so frequently because my computer's a shit right now so I can't use Twitter that often and also my phone's not getting any Wi-Fi signal so yeah...

I suck.

Hope you liked this chapter, gtg bye! ;)


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