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Chapter 17.

"Hangover" -Taio Cruz.


I am not sure how exactly the rest of the night went. Everything was kind of a blur, especially after my fifth beer. I needed to distract myself from the certain blonde, who kept smirking at me the whole night, driving me insane.

''Hazel.'' Ashton's sober voice reached me as I was on my way to grab yet another beer. I grinned at him, swinging my arms around his neck to support myself. He steadied me from falling and face planting the ground.

''Hey, hey.'' he said and I burst laughing. I'm pretty sure nothing was funny, but my drunken self thought otherwise. ''I want another shot, Ash. '' I murmured, trying to pry myself from his hold and reach my cup. Unfortunately, Ashton wasn't up for it as much as I was.

''Enough for tonight, Hazel. Let's go.'' he said seriously, pulling me with him. ''No, Ash. I don't wanna go! C'mon, let's stay a bit longer, pleassee?'' I  begged like a kid that wanted to stay and play with his friends but his mum didn't let him. Yup, exactly how I felt.

Ashton shook his head vigorously. ''No, I'm taking you home, you're way too drunk.'' he stated firmly, dragging me towards an exit. I crossed my arms angrily, pouting slightly.

But then I saw someone and started yelling. ''Michael!'' he looked in our way, stumbling slightly as he recognized who I am. ''Dude, help me here!''

It didn't take Michael too long to reach us and lean onto the wall, lazy smile spread across his face. ''What's up, Hazel? Ash? Going home so early?''

Ashton nodded. ''Yeah, we have school tomorrow as well.'' he said shortly, waving at Calum as he passed and then continuing to drag me away. I kept whining the whole time, telling him how I want to stay longer and along those lines. But Ashton wasn't having it and we were back to his car in a record time.

The whole time back, I kept silent, not wanting to talk to Ashton, pretending to be mad at him. He didn't say anything either, just asked if I wanted some water, to which I stayed quiet.

When we got home, he carried me inside, tucking me in my bed and making me gulp down an Advil because of my headache.

Just as he was about to head home, I stopped him.

''Please stay.'' I said, jutting my bottom lip out, using the puppy eyes. Ashton sighed.

''I have to go home, I stay here every night Hazel.''

I frowned. ''What's wrong with that?''

Ashton shrugged. ''Nothing, I just... you need to sleep Hazel. Ill see you tomorrow, okay? I'll pick you up.''

I tried to speak again, but he was out before I could utter a word. So I fell back onto my bed, burying my head in the fluffy pillow, sleep not taking too long to engulf me in its world.


Ringing. That's what woke me up. At first, I thought it was my phone, but the screen was black and nobody was calling me. So I came to a conclusion that it's the doorbell.

As I passed through the hall, I threw a look at the clock to see it was 3 am. I groaned loudly, feeling my head hurt like a bitch.

Another ring.

''I'm coming, dammit!'' I exclaimed, unlocking the door. It was a very stupd thing to do, considering the fact that it was pretty late-or early whatever-and that anyone could be ringing the doorbell. It could've been a freaking assassin for all I knew, or a thief.

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