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Nothing really, a semi-safe chapter for you lovelies <3


Hope brought someone home that night.

While Yoongi sat on his bed- handcuffed as always- he heard a woman giggling and Hope talking to her sweetly, yet roughly.

Yoongi didn't mind. Or- Shouldn't have minded.

It was Hope's life, not his. Just because he hasn't been paying any attention to Yoongi recently, doesn't mean he can do whatever he wanted.

Plus, he should be happy. Less abuse, less assault, less torture. It's a win-win. Almost.

Then when the woman moaned that's when Yoongi cried. He didn't know why he was crying. It was just stupid Hope screwing some whore. He shouldn't care! He should just fall asleep, leave Hope to his screwing and just forget everything about it in the morning.

After all, Hope gave him permission to sleep.

But even as Yoongi shut his eyes tightly, he couldn't get the sound out of his head.

Hope must be so sweet to that girl, caressing her, loving her. Why couldn't Yoongi be like that woman? To make Hope smile.

He swears Hope was nicer to him when he strapped down in that basement. Because he wasn't a burden before. He just stayed in one spot.

And then there was yelling. It was neither from Hope nor the woman. It was another man.

He said something like "Step back! You're under arrest!"

Or something, the voice was muffled. Though that was enough for Yoongi's heart to jump. Is he finally rescued?

And then a gunshot, and the woman screaming.

And the woman sobbing, and another gunshot.

Yoongi listened for any other noise, only receiving a loud sigh. There were a door slam and nothing after that.

Yoongi waited and waited and waited.

Is Hope hurt? Or is the officer okay? What happened out there?

Yoongi tensed when he heard footsteps walking to his room. He stared at the door as it opened, revealing Hope, his eyebrows lowered and his lips turned downward into a frown.

"I thought I told you to sleep?" Hope asked. He didn't sound furious, as Yoongi expected, yet it made Yoongi lightly tremble.

"I couldn't sleep," Yoongi said whispered, avoiding Hope's gaze. He heard more footsteps toward him, already bracing himself for a slap or a punch or something. He shut his eyes tightly, his breathing already heavier.

And was taken aback when he heard the handcuffs clink together. He felt the pressure leave his wrists, opening his eyes slowly to see Hope place the handcuffs on the nightstand.

"Move over," Hope commanded, Yoongi following. Hope went under the covers next to him, facing away.

"What are you doing...?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, there's blood all over my bed. It's too late to clean it," Hope shrugged, sighing.

Yoongi laid next to him, facing his back, however.

He was thankful that he didn't have to sleep with the handcuffs today, he wished it would happen more often.

Yoongi turned the other way, shut his eyes before taking a deep breath.

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