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Nothing really, a semi safe chapter for y'all


Jin sat in a darkened room, breathing heavily into the bag around his head. His wrists were tied behind his back, his mouth taped shut, his ankles and knees taped together.

"Rise and shine buttercup!" Jin jumped at the sudden loud banging close to his ear, trying to turn to the sound.

The voice didn't sound like Hope. And he didn't expect it to be. Hope did say he was being transferred somewhere?

Someone yanked the bag from his head, Jin squinting at the sudden light. Once his vision adjusted, he noticed a man standing in front of him, blond hair, dark eyes, lips curled into a box smile. Arms across his chest, his foot tapping against the concrete floor.

"Hi, my name is V," He introduced himself, taking a small bow. "You must be Seokjin? I thought you'd be taller," He shrugged, Jin glaring at the man in front of him, though he was still a blur, since Hope removed his contacts long ago, and he didn't have his glasses anymore.

"You may be asking, what do you want? Why am I here? Why are you talking in that girlish voice?" V asked in a high-pitched voice. "Well, all questions will be answered soon, don't worry," V walked over and pinched Jin's cheek with a smile. "It's just, the boss is taking a small detour to lose the cops of course, but ya know. What can you do?" He shrugged. He stared at Jin a while longer, nodding.

"So how was J-Hope? Heard he was a torture right? What'd he do to you?" His voice suddenly perked up. "He'd stab you? Shock you? Drown you? Sleep deprivation?" He asked excitedly, almost like a kid.

Jin shuddered at all of that, luckily he got none of the special treatment. Though he couldn't help but think about Yoongi. He knew Hope did all of those to Yoongi, and who knows what'll he do next?

V stood behind Jin, his hands on Jin's broad shoulders.

"But, you don't look scarred or beaten or anything. You look perfectly fine. So, tell me what happened in there?" V whispered in Jin's ear as his hand slowly ripped away the duct tape covering his lips.

"Fuck you," Jin spat, glaring at the floor.

"Hmm, you seem... cocky. Wait don't tell me..." V laughed. "You didn't get much attention, did you? What, Hope had a favorite?"

That was closer to the truth than Jin imagined. Yoongi would get longer sessions while Jin would get excruciating short ones. How Hope played with his emotions, planted doubt in his head, broke him down by telling Jin what he was doing to Yoongi.

Jin stayed silent as V rested his head on top of Jin's.

"Ah, was it your partner who got all the attention? Damn, the boss should've asked for him instead. I want to know how broken he is, how beaten and deprived he is," V chuckled. "It'll be a sight."

The door suddenly opened, V perking up and smiling.

"Hey Jimin! How're ya?" V asked.

A short man with silver hair walked in, he had dark eyes and walked in with his hands clasped behind his back. He was smiling, like V when Jin first saw him, but his smile was more... innocent yet furious at the same time.

It sent prominent shivers down Jin's spine.

"All right," Jimin stood in front of Jin, shrugging. "You and your partner are in deep shit, you know that right?"

No, it was only supposed to be Jin. Yoongi had no idea about it.

"Thank you Captain Obvious," Jin rolled his eyes, only to be smacked with a hand.

"Do you know who I am, boy?" Jimin asked, lowering his voice. "I have more power than the fuckin' president. In a snap, I can blow up Hollywood. Of course, that'll suck since I like Hollywood." He shrugged. "I also get what I want. I get answers, I get you, I get Jungkook. Where is he?"

"Even if I tell you, you'll never break him out," Jin laughed. He was lying through his teeth. And he knew it.

"Then tell me, sweetheart," Jimin smiled.

"He's in California."

"Bullshit, I checked all the prisons in California and the area surrounding the state. Where is he?" Jimin lowered his voice.

"He's in, Fuck yourself county," Jin growled. Jimin sighed, shaking his head as his fingers rubbed his forehead.

"Right. Of course. Tae, I'm taking a walk, I've already had a rough day. I don't want to accidentally shoot Princess over here. Please give me good news when I come back," He frowned.

"Of course." Jimin waved as he walked out of the dim room, Jin now sitting in silence with V still behind him.

"Look, I know what you did to Jungkook," V suddenly stated.

"Yeah, apparently everyone does, I sent him to jail, okay. Got it. Thanks," Jin muttered.

"No not that," V rolled his eyes. "You got Jungkook out of prison."

Jin tensed, shaking his head. "I did no such thing, how dare you accuse me of such incompetence!"

"Aw, you're lying again! That's cute," V chuckled. "But I know you helped him get out, have a normal life."

Jin kept his lips shut, afraid of spilling. That's what Hope did to him. He always said too much, and he can't stop. Hope made him think that the only way to please someone was to tell them what they wanted to hear. And Jin just wants to please everyone. But they never are. Like Yoongi.

"I know how you paid the cops to erase Jungkook forever. That's ironic, considering you're a cop as well."

"I am," Jin croaked out. This must be some sort of torture.

"Jungkook wrote twice. Before he got arrested, he wrote to me that he wasn't fit in with this gang shit. So he wanted to get arrested, and just stay in prison since that's one of the few ways he could finally be free from Jimin's grasp. And one after four months, he said a police officer by the name of 'Kim Seokjin' helped him out. Erased his name from the databases, now he can live a normal life. Of course, he asked me not to tell anyone. I didn't, except for you since you know."

Jin swallowed hard, shaking his head.

"You're lying," Jin shut his eyes. He knew this was a lie. He helped Jungkook out sure, but V was just using this information to get to his head. He knew his tactics. He knew what V was trying to do to him. To get him to spill, to lead Jimin to the prison empty of Jungkook just to lead a massacre. He wasn't going to do it. He wasn't going to give in.

"Jungkook. Where is he now I wonder? I want to see his baby face and his bunny smile. Maybe you should tell me where he is and I'll ask Jimin to let you live?"

Jin knew it.

He won't give in.

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