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Sorry I have been gone so long I just had writer's block and stuff and I have been sick and stuff but let's let waste anymore time
Virgil's POV
I woke up and when Patton woke up he looked really pale so I checked and realized he was sick I went downstairs to get soup for Patton when of course I see Logan and Roman being all lovey dovey with each other I always get jealous and annoyed but I still say "sup" "salutations" "greetings Virgil!" "Do you guys know where the soup is?" "It's in the cabinet why emo nightmare?" I hiss "Patton is sick" I go and cook the soup and then give it to Patton and he eats it and then asks "should we tell the other about what happened?" I say "only if your comfortable with it." "I am" "well ok let's do it" we get everyone together and we tell them what happened and after that we were all just having a group hug

Patton's POV
I felt way safer after telling them what happened but I was still scared cause Deceit was still out there


Patton........are you ok? MoxietyWhere stories live. Discover now