And he said~~

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After they all bundled up, they reached Bambam's house. They didnt go out to celebrate, since it may cause conterversy again. There was champagne, fruits, cheese and several foods in the table. JB and Jinyoung  were surprised. 'We all did this together to celebrate hyung, congratulations..' Youngjae grinned at them. Soon they were all handed glasses and Jackson started pouring champagne and finally toasted  'To JB and Jinyoung' they all clinked glasses and drank. As usual, they started out well, but gradually got drunk. Even JB was tipsy since he was thirsty and ended up drinking more than one glass. Mark was the sensible one, he soon somehow bundled them all and drove towards the dorm. He reached the parking lot and woke up JB, 'Get up man its your big cant fall asleep here' He then sprinkled some water on JB's face and gave some to drink. 'OMG Mark I fucking fell asleep' he panicked. Mark gently told him..'Its not yet time, you can still make it. Dont worry, it will go well, you go first and dress up and wait in the terrace. I will wake up Jinyoung'. JB nodded and rushed in.

Jaebum's POV

I must be the most idiotic guy, how can I fall asleep on the most important night of my life. Thank God Mark was sensible enough. I removed my clothes hasilty and stepped into the shower and then dressed in casual clothes. I heard Mark and others coming in. I took the rings and then the white chrysanthemum flowers I got for him. Then I climbed up to the terrace. Already I had set up a telescope there and set up a small table with two chairs. I went and llighted up the candles now. I set up the candles in few places and switched off the lights. Today was cloudy day, so there was not much natural light. And I sat and waited for Jinyoung.

Meanwhile, Mark had a difficult time waking up Jinyoung. He somehow, took him to the bathroom and washed his face and gave him honey water to sober up. Jinyoung was confused , 'Mark lets all sleep, its getting late anyway..' he mumbled sleepily. Mark just shook him, 'Listen carefully Jinyoungie, Jaebum wants to talk about one song he has composed and he wants you to listen first' .. 'Not now hyung...' Mark thought fast.. 'He wants to show you first and he has been waiting in this cold weather out.., he might catch pneumonia.. who knows' Mark said nonachalantly causing Jinyoung to wake up properly..'No, hyung I will go and bring his ass down..' he said and went out.

Jinyoung's POV

Aish !! this hyung, why does he want to do this at night. I am feeling very sleepy.. Will drag him down and should cuddle with him today, I smiled to myself... Jaebum is my personal cuddle plushie. heheh. As I pulled open the door harshly, I was stunned there was candles everywhere...and there was a table. 'Jaebum hyung, please come down, we cant catch cold now...' I shouted. Suddenly I felt hands covering my eyes and pushed me to the chair. 'Huung, its night time dont play now' .. I think he had bought a gift for me..I am excited now. My heart started beating fast. When he opened my eyes, he sat on the opposite chair, and there was a box between us. I looked at him and looked at the box. Does he want me to open it?! He just nodded in response to my mental question. I am impatient now, just want to know what it was, so I jerked the box open, not expecting this to be there. I froze when he silently came out and kneeled beside me, taking the box from me and saying 'I love you Park Jinyoung, will you marry me?'

When Jinyoung didnt respond anything , JB started panicking.. 'Look Jinyoung, its okay you need not answer now, we can even live together like now............I am-..' JB blabbered. 'Shut up Jaebum' Jinyoung shouted. He had tears in his eyes, and he kneeled down beside Jaebum. 'Yes Jaebum, yes' Saying this he crashed his lips on Jaebum's.

Jaebum's POV

I can taste the salt from his tears. Mine too joined and our tears mingled as we kissed. He opened his mouth and I slipped his tongue in. After few minutes, we both came up for air. 'Jinyoungie, I may not be the perfect person to spend your life with, but I will try my hardest to make you happy and no other person will love you like me..I can guarantee that' Jinyoung just leaned down and touched our foreheads together 'Thank you for loving me and taking care of me Jaebum, I love you and I will marry you whenever wherever' He smiled. I removed the ring and showed him the engraving, causing Jinyoung eyes to shimmer again, and I gently slid the ring down his finger. I gave my ring to him, 'Lets engrave it later what you want to say to me babe..' but now he slid it down my finger.  Then we held our hands together and  went to star gaze, since the clouds have now slowly thinned out. As it was getting cold, we both went to our room and slept cuddling each other.

As they were too absorbed, they didnt see Mark record the beautiful moment. When he lowered the camera, he had tears in his eyes. He too wanted to make Tae happy, but that needs to wait. He sneaked out and went to dorm and crashed.

When they woke up in the morning. Jinyoung and JB made their way to the living room. They woke up since there was a lot of commotion out. They saw Bambam and Yug cuddling together holding hands. Mark was grinning, Jackson was staring at them..Youngjae straight up went to Jinyoung and took his hand and inspected his ring. 'Hyung, its soo pretty' he cooed. Jinyoung blushed. When they looked at the TV, their proposal was playing on it. 'Yaaaahhhh' JB's chin came out, he knew Mark was the culprit.. watching this Mark took off and they had soo much fun in a long time, just talking and making wedding plans.

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