♡The date♡(1)

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Since this is going to be a very long date... I have split it into two parts...

The following day, JYP released the statement as planned. There were few videos still circulating..but they effectively contained the situation. JB wanted to deal with Hae Ri regarding the issue, but Jinyoung told him, not to bother her anymore, since she will do something more damaging.

They  finished rest of the comeback peacefully. Though they didnot recieve any trophy, the song was well loved by all the fans. They even filmed a variety program in Jeju Island. They shot for that without any break, so JB and Jinyoung didnt have any time alone. And to avoid suspicion, they slept seperately, and were sassy throughout the filming. And it worked like a charm.

As they returned back, Jackson had promotions in China, Bam went to Thailand, Yugeom went to visit his parents, Mark went to LA. JB went to his parents and Jinyoung planned to visit their parents in Jinhae, during this break.

But JB and Jinyoung planned to reach their dorm early to have their first date before the members come back...

Jaebum's POV

I wanted to make it special, we cant go out at a public place. So the destination was our dorm. But I am going to make sure, Jinyoung remembers this date forever. So I came back a little early..to prepare for the date. Jinyoung will be arriving tomorrow morning.

JB cleaned the living room and his bed room. Then he set a table for two in the center of the room. He then bought Jinyoung's favourite drinks, snacks and finally he ordered a delivery from a famous sashimi place. He was feeling pleased with himself .. he then  set up the audio system and added few romantic music to his playlist. He was going to get up early and dress up for Jinyoung. He went to his room...and lied down, he fell asleep later as he was very excited for tomorrow.

Jinyoung's POV

I am coming a little bit early to spend time with Jaebum. Today we are having a date. I am very excited, that I came a bit early to surprise him. I punched in my password. When I went in......We sort of stared at each other, and the toothbrush in his mouth made it worse... I couldnt stop my giggles..He stared at me open mouthed, spitting on his shirt.. I started laughing. He looked too cute and adorable, early in the morning. He ran off to the bathroom to rinse his mouth, I left my bags in my room and followed him to the bathroom..

He finished rinsing, he looked at my reflection in the mirror..'You are early..' I dont know why thats a bad thing...'Yes, I wanted to spend more time with you....' 'You dont understand Jinyoungie....I wanted to get ready and surprise you, not like this wearing yesterday's clothes looking ugly...' he grumbled taking off his shirt.. Oh...his words made me warm and fuzzy inside..

Jaebum's POV

Aish!! I really wanted to surprise Jinyoungie..Why am I such a disappointment. In frustration , I removed the shirt and threw it.. I felt two arms around me, I flinched as he hands were cold. He placed his head along mine.. breathing on my nape..'Do you know what I love the most other than you?' He asked me suddenly..i shook my head.. 'It's the extraordinariness in these ordinary moments..I share with you that I feel really happy..I dont need you to dress up or cook my favourite things .. or surprise me with something..though those are great too.. I still prefer the normal you, who is cute, adorable and sexy without trying anything..'

I am speechless...I turned around and hugged him tightly.. he pulled back.. 'So dont be disappointed Jaebum..you dont need to dress up well to impress me.. I am already impressed..' he smiled his eyes crinkling in the corners. ..'I love you..' It was a simple statement, which has been said by millions of ppl around the world, and I felt it was such a cliche until now.... when I looked into his eyes .. I see myself in them..and more much more.. I feel the weight of the words, the meaning behind his actions and I cant help but tell him..'I love you more..'

After that beautiful moment , Jinyoung freshened up in his room and went to the living room to set the table. JB took his shower and dressed casually and came out..The delivery came and JB went to get it. He placed the meat on the table between them and sat down opposite to Jinyoung.

Just a Fling~~~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz