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Jaebum's POV

He likes me. He said he likes me..wow wow.. when he kissed me I just pulled him to myself and hugged him to my chest. I dont ever want to leave him...When he pulled back and looked into my eyes, I could see his feelings reflected there.. there was also a vulnerablity he was showing me..he trusted me. I felt like flying.. But i did the best thing next to that and kissed his lips. His lips were soft and I felt like coming home after a long time..when he opened his mouth a little , i deepened the kiss and pulled his tongue into mine.

There was no way I am letting him go twice. Once was a lesson, twice means I am a fool. And I am not a fool.

Jinyoung's POV

I forgot everything when i looked into those eyes. I felt like drowning in them. He then kissed me softly, my hands were in his hair now... caressing it..when he deepened the kiss i climbed into his lap for better access. We came up for air.. I leaned and kissed his chin..... trailed down his throat.. he let out a small moan..I enjoyed the power i felt when he made the sound for me.. I wanted to hear more of it.. Hence I sucked and kissed his neck......'aahhh jinyoung ah...don..t..'

Jaebum's POV

When he started trailing along my throat, I couldnt control my myself. I dunno who this Jinyoung was, but i like him too.. I just shut my eyes tightly when he started sucking on my neck..He made me feel things. I needed to get closer to him..I managed to remove his shirt and threw it down.. next second my hands were caressing his sides..I need to kiss him everywhere..i licked his collarbone and trailed to his chest..my mouth closed over his nipple .....'jae.....pleasee.....' he whined.. when I kissed his taut stomach he grabbed my hair and pulled it. 'Bad JB...'

Others call me JB usually, but Jinyoung always calls me Jaebum or hyung.. when he called me like that now..I wanted to hear my name always from his lips..whatever he chose to call me..

I pulled him up and kissed him again..he sat on my stomach ...his hands on my shoulders. I could feel his hard on through my shirt..I settled him in my lap and blew air into his ear lobe..he squirmed on my lap... 'If you keep doing that , I will fuck you so hard right now, that you won't be able to walk..'.....

.....'Maybe that's what I want..?!'

..... Did I hear him correctly ...

Jinyoung's POV

Ah..he is teasing me too much...it was almost funny, when I said that..he looked very flustered and blushed. He looked very adorable at this moment..

I removed his shirt..and put my hands and mouth on him.. he maybe the top here..but that doesn't mean i can't be a little tease. I am going to show him exactly that. I innocently placed my hand in his crotch and he stiffened .. I gave my best puppy eyes and told him..

'We better stop hyung...Yugeom is next door, he may hear us..' .... his eyes widened at that... I now palmed his erection ..he didn't expect that now did he..?

'Jinyoung ah...........' he was loud..I placed my palm on his mouth to shut him up.. else Yugeom might really come. I caressed him through his pant , he jumped up and removed it off completely.. he was not wearing any underwear....uh oh.. .. now I feel little shy.....

Jaebum's POV

I saw him gulp and look away. He was bold a few minutes ago...'what happened?  did my  Jinyoungie...get shy..?' He just nodded.. I cupped his face in my hands..he dint look away..

We have the whole night to ourselves and I am not going to waste a minute of it...

Sorry guys..I have never written mature content before(cringe)...and it was getting too long so I split it in to two chapters.

Just a Fling~~~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat