*The love*

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Jinyoung's POV

I went to Mark's room to sleep, he was lying in his bed wrapped up in blankets. 'Hyung, did you eat dinner?' 'Yes, nyoungie, I ate pizza' he replied smiling softly. When I went near his bed, he raised his eyebrows questioningly 'Jinyoungie, its alright you go and do the tango with JB, I am alright' he laughed. But it was not a real laugh, I know he wasnt alright 'Hyung, there will be no tango as you say, since Jaebum is tired and we may as well sleep together' I got in beside him, snuggling by his side. When I looked at his face, he smiled at me, and his arms came around me ...'Ok kid' he said.. We spoke about the restaurant that we all went to eat and the service there..'We must go there hyung' 'Mmmm yeah we will..' he was distracted, this was my time 'Hyung, don't you love Taehyung?' I could feel his body becoming stiff. 'Why do you ask? You must have heard our fight yesterday' he mused. 'Yes, we heard that and I heard your confession yesterday night' , 'Jinyoung, I dont know what I feel, I cant love him, its not possible.....' he went on.

I cant understand, 'Why ?' His voice got low so I went closer to him, 'Our relationship will hurt our fans Jin, we cant ignore that..and they may hate us. I cant bear the thought of him going through that, He is a beautiful person Jin...I cant bear to see him get hurt' When he finished I could see the tears in his eyes.. 'Hyung, even I dont know what the future has in store for us, but regrets are the biggest disappointments in life.. he may even be your soul mate..are you going to miss out on that ?? ' As I went on he looked more tortured but I cant stop now..'Hyung dont you want to be happy, going on dates with him, playing together with him, maybe even going on double dates with us?? Are you going to throw all that away just cause you are afraid' By now his tears were falling on my shirt sleeve..'Dont Jinyoung, why you got to torture me like this??' he whispered desperately. 'Are you going to miss out on chances because you think he will get hurt? He was ready to get hurt from the second he had decided to confess to you, he is braver than you are, he felt afraid but he couldnt deny his feelings, he wanted to be with you hyung...' By now Mark was sobbing against my shoulder.

I felt bad doing this but someone must do this, he needs to be happy and express his feelings more. 'He loves you and he is hurting now, I spoke with Jin hyung.. he has not eaten properly and is not speaking with anyone there, Please talk to him' He was crying so hard, I hugged him tightly, 'I trust you, to do the right thing hyung ' I whispered to him. He finally fell asleep on my shoulders.

Suga's POV

Ah.. Why are they sending me to convince him, its not like he will talk to me. We dont have normal conversation like others since I dont like to interfere in anyones life and hate giving advices.. But I think Taehyung needs to talk to Mark and clear it up. I went into his room, it was dark ..I switched on the light..and saw him lying on the bed looking at his phone. When I was close enough I could see his phone, he was looking at a picture of Mark and himself smiling happily. 'Taehyung ah..' He turned to me 'Yes hyung' he tried to smile, but it didnt come out well.. 'What happened , can you tell me?' I asked softly.. he nodded before telling me about his confession and fight.. I just listened patiently. 'Ok, so you love him and he just rejected you' I wanted to state the facts clearly. 'Yes' he replied and looked down. 'Now, why dont you look at this from his point of view.. when your lover suddenly shows up at your dorm and announces that they like you..'  he seemed to get fired up at this. Ah this is what I wanted, he must fight and never give up 'But he said that he got bored with me, thats not a standard reaction to the confession right?' hmmm 'Yes, he hurt you but a little birdie told me he broke down after you left and he hurt more because he said those words to you' ..

He was shocked and I could see the tears were glistening on his eyes, I hate tears ashsfjdljfoisjf. 'You think, he cried because he didnt like you, he is afraid for you both.. he is older and he must have thought about the future and the not so good outcome you both will experience if you come out...' Taehyung silently sat there considering my words..This is working hehehe..'And as you blurted out your feelings, he took the logical step and hurt you so that he can protect you' I must give myself a medal. He caught my hand..'What do I do now hyung?' he asked me..'Just meet him and talk patiently thats enough' I patted his head.. he smiled at me. I went out of his room and showed victory signs to the others standing there.

The next day Mark decided to take up Jinyoung's advice. He got up early and got ready, since he was at fault here he will go to him now. He didnt even inform anyone, just got ready and disguised himself and caught a cab to BTS dorm. He was hesitant at first, but he knocked the door.. Jin opened the door, he smiled at him and welcomed him inside. 'Taehyung's room is here' he showed Mark and whispered 'Fighting' Mark thanked him and went knocked the door and went inside.

Taehyung's POV

Who was knocking this early?? As I got up from the bed , I saw Mark standing at the door.. He looked at me and I stared at him. He looked good this morning, all dressed up. He came inside and locked the door. 'H-hi'  I dont know how to start.. 'Sor-' 'Am sor-' Oh we both started at the same time.. I went first 'I am sorry Mark, for coming and telling these things suddenly, I didnt think how you would feel' He came and sat near me , caught my hands in his 'Taehyung, I am sorry for all the hurtful things I said.. Will you forgive me?' he made the puppy eyes at me and took my hands and kissed them ..well 'Mark hyung, of course I forgive you' He smiled as he lifted his head. He lifted me up and sat me his lap , I dont know what he was about to do, but I liked this very much.

'Yah Kim Taehyung, I dont like you' Oh no....dont do this Mark..'I love you' he finished. WHAT ?!! He loved me??? 'Mark...I ...what?' I cant form any words at what I am feeling now, but my tears did them for me.. He closed the distance between us, connecting his lips to mine.

Mark' s POV

As I said the words aloud, I will never forget the expression on his face in a million years. It made me realize how much he loved me, his tears made me realize that I will never leave him until he asks me to...which I hope he never will. As I kissed him, I could taste the saltiness of his tears and his love as his lips were trembling and his hands were cupping my face. 'Mark, you already know.. I love you' he said staring at me. I felt my heart race at those words. 'Whatever happens, I am ready to face it together with you..I will never leave your side unless you want me to..' I cant help but get teary eyed. He wiped them away and smiled his cute smile 'I am sure that wont happen in near future'  he giggled. After that we both cuddled in his bed and fell asleep, his head resting on my chest and our legs tangled together.

After few hours, they felt someone staring at them and opened their eyes to see Jin taking a picture. And behind Jin there was Namjoon , Suga, Jungkook, JHope, Jimin smiling at them. Tae nearly blushed and hid behind me. I shooed them away, since I am older , except Jin remained. He gave me a thumbs up and whispered 'Take care of him..' 'Sure hyung' I whispered back.

Then Mark left for his dorm soon, since they had meeting that afternoon. When he went to his dorm he was greeted with cheers and congratulations, Jinyoung showed him the picture Jin took this morning. 'Hyung, you are so cool' Yugeom muttered.. 'This kid......' Mark was embarrassed.. he went to his room and hid there. Suddenly he heard a knock, it was Jinyoung .. 'Well done hyung' he said to Mark..'No Jinyoung, I need to thank you.. so thank you' Mark said emotionally.. Jinyoung just hugged him, 'Its ok hyung, everything is good'.

Sorry for this long chapter guys, now that Mark and Tae are together let me concentrate on our JJP couple !!!

Just a Fling~~~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora