Chapter 8 | First Mission

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It has been quite a while now. The boys were getting busier and busier. Seeing articles about JYP's new boy group wasn't doing you any good either. It's like a constant reminder that you failed and the wait goes on.

Regardless, you still practised and constantly learn new cover songs, sometimes throwing in some Western songs to jazz up your list. It was still the same process, language classes consisting Korean and Japanese. Vocal and rap lessons.

Everything was the same minus the boys with constant noise pollution. You missed those days where they would randomly barge in with food or just them in person. It always brighten your day up. But now you're just slowly sinking into a hole of your own, feeling even more depressed.

Today you just walked into a practise room and sat in front of the mirror. You didn't feel the rhythm you normally felt when music is playing. It was just nothing... You looked at your reflection. Hair has grown so much longer, pass your chest. The highlights put in were fading. Your eyes looked dead and you were even paler than Chan. You pulled up your sweats, you've even gotten skinner...

God, what on earth has happened... That happiness is fading away... You felt like slacking off so you picked up your bottle of water and speaker, left the room.

You changed into a black t-shirt and a maroon skater skirt. The normal black vans as well to finish off the look. Not forgetting to slip on a black cap and matching mask, you went out to roam around the city.

Seoul always helped to ease the stress. If you had the choice to rest and go on holiday, you'd still prefer the city over the country side. There's something that is attractive about the city, despite the busy people and flashy lights, it was calming in a way. You loved going up to Namsan tower, yes there were many couples which you couldn't help but be envious of. But today was different, somehow you admired and was jealous of that closure, that was something you wanted. You realised you wanted closure... That love shared between two people, how they would care for each other so much... So much to the point where they would put their significant other before themselves.


No...No way...

You literally slapped yourself on the cheek which earned a weird look from the couple sitting next to you.

What the hell...

No, don't even go there.

No way, and I mean no way is that going to happen, never ever.

You were startled by the vibration from your phone. You fished it out of your pocket, glanced at the caller ID before answering.

'Han Squirrel - JYP'


"Y/N!!!!" He screamed through the phone which you held away from your ear

"What is it?" You we're worried with his sudden call

"We need your help...Well more of 2RACHA." You sighed

Wait 2RACHA?

"I'll be at the studio in 20, you want anything?" You frowned trying to ease your emotions

"Um... Changbin hyung you want anything?" Jisung asked with a distant but still audible voice

"Teokkbokki?" You could already see that cheeky smile of his

"Sure. I bet the maknae would want banana milk?" You smiled to yourself, walking to the cable car where it bring visitors back down to the streets of Myeongdong

"He might do. If not the others would pick." He chuckled, already picturing the members fighting over the last banana milk

"Sure. See you two soon." You hung up and went into a nearby supermarket

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