Chapter 7 | Aftermath

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You were silent the whole time afterwards. Luckily you apparently gave the impression to the girls that you weren't much of a talker. So it was normal for you to space out during them goofing around. Being the good emotion-hider, they didn't notice your devastation, when they attempted to ask you just brushed it off.

"Sorry girls, I've got vocal lessons with my coach... we'll catch up later?" You lied feeling guilty that you're not participating in a celebration meal that they planned

"Sure! See you soon! " they all waved, some pouting and you left the room

You pushed down your black cap and while walking towards the exit of the mini concert hall. Even though you weren't in the best mood for anything you still did slight bows and said thank you to staff members that pass by.

You saw some of the twice members pack up but wanted to avoid any questions and possibly a meal that followed. So you just walk by with a quick pace and be as quite, blending in with the staff.

It was already dark outside, around 9pm, glancing at your phone screen before switching to airplane mode. Just for today, to cut off all contacts with the social world, only you and your deep thoughts.

Roaming around the night streets of Seoul was always something that helped you get your mind off stress. It was busy but seeing the various colours of the lighted up signs and neon signs. Stalls of pop up restaurants, tables and plastic chairs placed around them, people enjoying the Friday night with soju and snacks like those fish cakes you and Chan always crave for.

You heard there was a night market nearby, seeing a pair of couples conversing about the stalls and munching on some food.

So you followed your nose and found the area where the stalls were located. Walking down the aisles of stalls, seeing some game booths where girls were whining for their boyfriends to get a specific doll for them. Some hand-made stalls that you liked but weren't in the mood. You just tried to put yourself in a happy and bright atmosphere in attempt to cheer up , but after an hour and a half of walking, you were still like you were, empty.

You signed and left the night market area. You kept thinking to yourself... You were absolutely overjoyed to see the 9 friends debut to together, especially Chan who was there for so long, who put in so much effort with producing and leading the team. 3RACHA was a mini breakthrough for him, the company letting the pre-debut group post three while mixtapes with their own YouTube channel. The Aussie who came all the way to pursue his passion to make people feel happy and smile.

That's when a trainee's nature kicks in, you yourself couldn't help but  feel selfish and a hint of jealousy. You envied them so much, now they have the chance to perform on stage , release an album, meet fans and explore the world of unknown. And you were still standing here watching the rest of the world run ahead of you, watching Chan take the lead.

You were left alone in the shadows, again and again and again...

The feeling of not being wanted is like a stab in the heart.

Am I not good enough?

You jumped at the high pitched sound of a bike's bell ring. A bike passing by nearly hit you and the cyclist gave you a dirty look not forgetting to leave a 'tsk' before wizzing off.

You realised your legs brought you to a familiar pop up restaurant. It was the one you and Chan always went to during the early days of being a trainee.

"Ajumma!" You brought the plastic film a side to walk into the restaurant, you were surprised to see no customers considering it's a Friday night.

The lady in her 50's in the open kitchen looked up, eyes lit up and crinkled when she saw your face.

"Aigoo~ Y/N-ah,I haven't seen you in a while." She wiped her hands on the apron around her waist and came to you, giving you a light hug and patted your back

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