Journey Begins

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First of all, I'm sorry for the late updates. I'm trying to update all my stories this week (you should check out my other once if you haven't) and it's taking a while.

I also wanted to share with you guys some of the things I was doing that kept me so busy. Well, it was pretty much softball. All softball. You see, I'm on two teams. A tournament team and a league team. Tournament is a traveling team and this year for my age league was travel also, but league is more fun and not as aggressive and serious. So two weeks ago I had a tournament at a near by town. It was a longer, three day tournament and cause we were winning we kept playing. On the last day we played three games in one day. In the end, we won the tournament with one lose. I'm newer to the tournament team and it was my first win, so I was so happy! Then local league teams were having a tournament. My town has 4 league teams and my team had beaten all of the others so we went into the tournament and we played two games in the afternoon on the last day and won. We won that tournament undefeated which was awesome! Then we had the last softball tournament this summer and my town was hosting it. After the first day we got to wait a while cause we were winning. Then on the last day of it we played at 5pm. And if we won we kept playing. Well we kept winning and played three games that night back to back. In the end that day we played softball for over 5 hours straight. And....yes.... We won. It was so exciting for my team because in the game for first and second we were against our number one enemy and it was tied the whole game till the last inning. It. Was. Intense.

And... This week I'm resting at my grandmas so I will have time to write.

Love you all! And enjoy!!

Don't own FT

Dedicated to: OnLy_HuMaN_ChIcA


Lucy Pov

"Would you hurry up?" I yelled at my butler as he struggled at climb over a large rock that had been in our way.

Before we had left I had given him some cloths to change into. Clothes better suited for traveling. He wore a simple, and old tan Tshirt and black jean pants. He also wore his white scarf. Why? I don't know and I didn't care enough to ask. I was wearing tan shorts, combat boots, and a dark green v-neck Tshirt with my hair up in a pony tail.

"I-I'm sorry" he huffed while brushing of dirt that stuck to his shirt.

"Whatever, just stop slowing down," I rolled my eyes and continued on our way. So far the map had taken us to a large forest, that wasn't known for being a nice and friendly area. It was thick, dark, and creepy, but I pushed threw.

I was still very mad at Loki for sticking Natsu with me. Loki knew I wanted nothing to do with him. I had forgotten about him long ago... Or at least tried to forget him. Natsu had been my only friend, but he was taken from me. I can't remove how hard I cried it exactly what I felt then, but all I knew is that I never wanted to feel so abandoned again. That didn't last, however, when my mother died and my father was cruel and abusive.

I hadn't noticed I was mumbling to myself until I heard a cough behind me. I was about to tell him to shut up, but my breath was taken by the view in front of me. I had pushed a large branch out of my way to discover we were on a cliff and there was a beautiful waterfall across from up with a lovely meadow.

"Unfortunetly, this is not our final destination. This place just happeneds to be here," I sighed while resting my hand on my hipps.

Natsu Pov

We had walked into a beautiful medow that had a rock wall outining, that was covered in moss and vines.

"Lets make camp. Its getting to dark to travel in these woods anymore," Lucy said while walking to the rock wall, " there could be some kind of area over there we can use as shelter, right?" She had her hands rested on her hips as she turned her head to look at me. I lost my words the moment she looked at me. He scowl and hate filled look was gone. Her face was relaxed and calm. "Well, lets go."

"Right," I nodded and followed. The walk to the rocky wall seemed to take forever. I watched as Lucy patted the vine coveed wall. "What re you doing?" I asked trying to hide my smile.

"What does it look like? Im trying to find a-" She fell right through the vines where there was no rock behind it, "Cave."

I chuckled a bit as I watched her curse at the vines while attempting to push them out of the way.

"Don't just stand there!" She hollered. My chuckles vanished and I jumped a bit at the ice in her voice. I didn't respond with words I simple helped and soon had them all out of the way.

With no words, Lucy looked around the cave then walked back out. She seemed to be looking for something by the way she looked around.

"Aha.." I lightbulb when off in her head as she bent over and rummaged through some bushes. Once again, she cursed a few times and made spitting sounds like stuff got in her mouth. When she popped up she had a bundle of sticks and twigs in her arms and her arms and face where now dusted with dirt and mud from the dew on the plants leaves.

"Here. I will get more and you start the fire," she shoved the sticks into my arms. I scrambled to keep them all in my hands from how fast she threw them at me.

"O-ok," I watched as she turned and disappeared thee the woods. I had the urge to follow her in these darkening woods, but she would get pissed if I did. So I tuned and headed into the cave. I collected a few rocks and created a circle in the middle if the cave and dug out some of the dirt in the middle, to get the dam dirt away and have the dry stuff to rest the sticks on. I grabbed a couple of sticks and places them in the circle.

"Now, to start it. Start the fire... Start the fire... How they hell do I do that?" I mumbled to myself while looking around the cave trying to find something. I spotted to large stones that looked like they wound work.

"This better work," I sighed as I held them in my hand. I slapped them together and a small spark flew. I did it again and again. I got frustrated more and more when it didn't work. I must have hit the dumb rocks over and over at least a hundred times and nothing worked!

"Come! On!" I grunted one last time before I smashed the rocks together so hard they could have broken, but that's not what happened. Something happened that I wouldn't have dreamed of. I wasn't sure whether I should be scared, amazed, terrified, or what. All I know is that it happened.


There is the chapter for now! I know its short but its better than nothing.

Love you all!





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