He nodded his head and smiled.

"I understand. Just let me know when you do."

I smirked and said "I'll let you know soon."

I turned to my room door and pushed it open.

I looked at him while I closed the door. He looks so sexy.

I cracked the door and said "I love you."

"I love you too." I heard from the other side of the door.

I can't wait to tell Harry, Ginny and Ron about him.

"Oh shit." I mumbled.

I had forgotten that Ron and I were still together. How am I going to tell him? I hope he doesn't get mad and freak!

I cheated on him too.

"Oh God!" I mumbled,  face palming myself hard.

I'm such an idiot.

Draco's ( POV )

"I love you." Mione said through the door.

"I love you too." I said, pressing my hand into my cheek.

How could I have been so stupid?

Of course she is not going to want to do that.

Not now of course.

I decided to skip my morning shower and just get changed.

I put of a white polo shirt with black, sleek pants. I added my Slytherin tie to match.

I left my hair the way it was. Hermione seems to like it that way.

I walked out of my bedroom to wait for Mione.

Girls take way to long to get ready. I swear.

After what seemed like forever, Mione came out from her room and my oh my did she look beautiful.

She had on a white polo shirt and black pants, just as I did. But of course she had a Gryffindor tie around her neck.

Sure, her outfit was simple, but she always looks beautiful to me.

"Damn." I said out loud.

She met my gaze, her warm chocolate eyes melting mt insides, and blushed.

"You don't look bad yourself." she said, wrapping her arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Mione. I shouldn't have made you feel rushed. I'll wait." I said.

She pulled away from the hug and kissed me.

After a minute or so passed, she pulled away and said "I forgive you, but I think we have a problem. "

I raised my eyebrow and said "What?"

"Its Ron. He will be crushed." she said, avoiding my eyes.

"Damn that Weasley! " I said without thinking.

"Draco! I know he is special but he is my friend!  My best friend! I will not tolerate you hating on him!" Mione yelled.

I immediately felt guilty.

"I'm sorry. I'm just nervous. " I mumbled,  putting my head down.

She sighed and said "It's alright.  Come on then. I'm starving! "

She ran out the portrait hole and I laughed and followed her out.

I hope Weasley doesn't freak.

But that was the least of my worries right now.

( The next POV will be occurring in the evening.  The students went to there classes and did there normal thing. And By the time Hermione and Draco got to breakfast,  the others were already done and gone. The reason I did this was so that I could build up to the plot ;) thx for understanding. )

Ron's ( POV )

I walked down to the Great Hall, alone, this cold evening,  thinking about what I was going to eat first.

Shall it be the beaf roast or the home fries. Or maybe, fried chicken. That is, if they serve it this evening.

I entered the Great Hall and found Ginny and Harry being all goo goo gaa gaa at each other. I'm pretty sure I may have slightly vomited in my mouth.

But, I swallowed my pride and joined them at the Gryffindor table.

"Mate. " Harry said, greeting me.

"Hey Harry. Ginny" I said, sticking my tongue out at her.

Harry smirked as Ginny did it back and said "So where's Hermione? "

"I dunno? She is probably on her way. " I responded, filling my plate with food.

And then it was like a "speak of the devil" moment because Hermione walked in with a certain someone close behind her.

She looked oddly happy this evening,  for she was a bit gloomy this morning,   because she jumped her way over to the table and sat down next to Harry.

That someone sat down next to her.

I glanced over at Harry and Ginny who looked just as confused as me.

Harry cleared his throat and said "Uh, what's up, Hermione? "

She smiled so big and said "Draco got his memory back!"

My heart froze and I looked over at Malfoy and felt my heart break.

Of course, I knew this would happen......I just didn't think it would be so soon.

Harry and Ginny started saying stuff like "Thank goodness! " and "Do you know how long it took us to get her away from you?"

Malfoy just started to laugh and they all started talking like they were best mates.

I don't know why but I got up from the table and started running away.

Tears rolling down my cheeks, I went to the only place that I knew I would be safe.


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