She Will

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She doesn't want to be in the center of attraction nor she doesn't want to social with others. Not because she is shy nor she is against of the people but she would just love to think of the events where she could get something alone. She doesn't understand herself sometimes... Often times she would hate herself for being sensitive and reflective type of person. Several times too that she would hate herself because she seems too ignorant the things around her. That's why she reads. That's why she observes. That's why she starts to feel others. Though may it be at distant but she's trying!

She then started to open up because years have passed. She seems comfortable with her surroundings. She's safe! She said. She has friends. Yes, she has. Friends to lean on. A very good friends. That's why she doesn't care to what others say. That's why she is contented.

But of course, life would be boring if it were all positive! It should have a negative along with the absence of the positive.

 However, she woudl still keep her head up high.

She will remain pretty even if you mock her.

She will be more beautiful than she will ever be even if you envy her.

She will not mind because she knows what she is capable of.

She will ignore you when you talk to her back.

You thought she minds but for in fact she doesn't.

She doesn't want to because it would waste her time.

You would only look like a fool and she doesn't want to belong.

Lastly, what she knows that you don't...

you are just one of her admirers trying hard to her hater.

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