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Past pulls,
Present pushes,
Future remains unmoving and unseen.

Pulled from the back,
Pushed from the front,

Pulled to go back,
Pushed to go forward,

Nothing escapes the grasp.

Past pulls the progress back,
Present pushes for progress more,
Future remains undaunted and unknown.

Pulled to the dark,
Pushed by the light,

Pulled to fall,
Pushed to stand,

Torn by the unwavering sides.

Past pulls memory out of it's hiding,
Present pushes for room of more,
Future remains unnoticed and unconcerned.

Pulled out of sleep,
Pushed into slumber,

Left undone by the continuous tugging and unrest.

My mind is torn,
My soul is barred,
My heart is confused,

Being pushed and pulled in different directions,
Every day I bare through it.

Wishing I could run with the skys,
To the world's outer limit.
Wishing I could swim through the air,
Away from the tensions.
Wishing I could break the glass of my heart,
And burn down the walls of mystery.

So that all would be clear,
So that all would be seen,
So that the tugging would stop,

And my mind finally rest.

The BattleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora