His mouth returns to my sensitive nipples, my back arching, and the heat so intense—

A tremor rushes down my body so suddenly, and my stomach tightens—

I moan his name, wanting to drive him to the brink of absolute pleasure like he's done for me, inviting him to join in.

He silences me with a kiss, all-consuming and filled with passion I've never felt before.

His hand, touching me there, is relentless, pressing firmly as my hips seem to have a mind of their own. Everything else, everything that isn't North, fades until it's just him, him and me together.

I accidentally let a loud moan into his mouth, holding him tighter as my pleasure manifests and my body bows into him like it can't bear to be without him.

My lips form his name many times, but I'm too numb with pleasure to voice it, instead holding him close to me and wishing in my head that he won't let me go.

When my head clears, I'm still shaking—we're on our sides again, facing each other. I curl arms in until my hands rest against the skin of his chest, revealed by his loose robe.

I flinch as I realize—I've made a mess.

It's all over my stomach, my undershorts, the sheets—I tuck my face into his chest and hide.

He pulls me closer to him with a hand on my bum, until my body molds to his and finally relaxes. It's all very intimate, something I hadn't realized I craved so badly.

I dread the day I'll have to leave him.

. . .

A knocking at the door awakes me.

I ignore it.

Then comes Lee's voice, muffled by the wood of the door. "Captain? We're approaching shore . . ."

Ugh. Not Lee again, he's always so loud . . .

I curl further into myself, try to force myself back into the comfort of sleep, but pause when I realize my pillow is moving. I smile to myself—of course. North.

My left hand curls up against his hip, my fingertips able to feel the warmth of his skin as they are they only part of my hand left unbandaged. My head pushes into his taut stomach as it rises and falls, my head turning into him so that my lips brush against his lower stomach. I smile wider, and give him a close-mouthed kiss, just because I love the feel of his skin, the closeness we have now. Who knows when I'll get to be this close to him again?

I startle a little as he shifts, a large hand curling around the back of my head and into the brunet strands I've grown out since I've been here. They just about reach my nose now.

He tugs at them, pulling me further up toward him so that I'm effectively straddling his hips. I let my hands rest atop his bare shoulders.

I frown. "Your coat is gone . . ."

He grins, a small grin because I suppose he's only just woken up as well. "Starting to get too hot for that . . ." He yawns. "The uh . . . summer months are comin' along soon."

I nod, watch as he closes his eyes again, hands resting against my thighs. I shift a bit, admittedly nervous with his hands so far up my thigh.

Not like he hasn't touched me before . . .

More knocking meets my ears, but it's just background noise as I drag my eyes down along his naked torso. It's by no means perfect—a couple scars, even a tattoo that's so faded I can't tell what it is. A birthmark directly on his hipbone.

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