1. Tao: Mine Forever

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This is my first imagine, so I hope you guys like it!


You and tao have been in a relationship for so long, he had to leave to China and it's been 5 years but he left you a stuffed panda to remind you of him. You wanted to take a walk by yourself at the park so you wore on a black and white sweater, skinny jeans, a black beanie tao gave you and a pair of grey vans, off you go to the park you also brought along the stuffed panda tao gave you. While walking on the park, you have an unexpected message from Tao so you look down at your phone:

From: Tao

Hey babe!! <3

From: (y/n)

Hey! I missed you so much my panda.:p

From: Tao

I miss you too hey do you want to see some magic tricks I can do?

From: (y/n)

Uhh, sure!

From: Tao

I'm guessing....you wore the Beanie I gave you

Wait, is this really magic? how does he know since he is still in China? you said in your mind and continued texting him


Yup, you've guessed it...show me more of your magic

From: Tao

Okay, umm..... you're wearing a sweater, am I right?

Damn...how does he know all of this? you thought again

From: (y/n)

Yeah....how are you knowing this?are you a secret magician or something?

From: Tao

Maybe....hey, you're not paying attention on the road are you? Look infront of you ;)

You look infront to see your boyfriend you didn't see for 5 years, 5 FREAKING years...

"Tao-ah!!" You ran towards him, giving him a tight hug, "Awh babe, you missed me?", Tao said, "Of course you little dummy", you answered. He pulled away from the hug," No kisses?" You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. Tao whispered "You wanna know the real surprise?","Yeah!" you whispered back to him, "Will you marry me, (y/n)?" you let go of Tao, looking at him and said "You can't be serious?", "What? What's wrong?" Tao was anxious and thought you might reject his proposal,"Of course I will marry you Tao, I love you!" , you said and kissed him, he slid the engagement ring into your finger,"You know, I thought you might say no just now" Tao said while walking hand in hand with you, "Why would I? I have waited 5 years for you and I am never giving up on you" you said while still holding onto the stuffed panda on your other hand, Tao kissed you at the side of your forehead.Tao is no longer your boyfriend, he is your fiance


The End~ I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine and I'm sorry if it sucks, I'll definitely improve my imagine and don't forget!





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