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Walking out the shop a figure stood handsomely as he got out, he was the definition of both beauty and handsomeness as the sun shone on his face.

Everyone who looked at him couldn't help but trip or fall along their way as the man was too eye-catching to one's eye.

Though not once has anyone offered or step forward to ask his number due to the threatening aura he leaked out once you got near.

He had a face that makes one think his a wealthy honest man but his aura said otherwise as it leaked a strong killing intent. It was best to describe him as a half devil and half angel as his looks are both misleading.

His name was Lin Mingyu and was about 28 years of age. He came downtown a few days prior, due to having an important meeting with a business client, as he walked passed a few shops, a certain shop caught his attention. It stood out from all the other shops as it was quite rundown and old, like its been here for over the last 100 years.

It was an old antique shop selling old ancient stuff, but what caught his eyes the most was the antique ring displayed at the window.

He doesn't know why but he felt a sudden attraction well more like pull towards the ring and couldn't help but stop in his track and analysis it.

As Mingyu was about to enter the shop he got a sudden call from his assistant, stopping he picked it up somewhat annoyed as he answered with a bit of an attitude.

Talking to the person through the phone his only attention was still on that specific object, not once he took his eyes off it as he intensely gazed it like he's participating in a staring contest.

Finally hanging up his phone he took one last hard look at the ring before taking of with reluctance.

"Arghh, I'll just get it when I'm free, " he thought, hoping once he gets back he could make time from his busy schedule to fit of coming back here in.

All he could do for now was just pray and keep his fingers cross that the ring will still hopefully be there since he can't get it today alas to all the business meetings he was subjected to attend.

As he took off, all what what Mingyu dwelled on for the whole day and even weeks was about that one ring that stood out from the shop, he couldn't question why but just a gut intuition that the ring must be his.


After a few weeks has past, finally Mingyu had a day off from his hectic schedule immediately his first destination was that rundown antique shop, so with that shifting his gears as he stepped harder on his accelerate did he then sped off in his quite flashy sport car of his, without care of overtaking many cars along the way who was beeping at him for his recklessness and going over the speed limit not caring that a camera or two caught him cause all that ran through his mind was a ticking time bomb to get to the location already for that damn ring.

He couldn't help but also worry that someone must have boughten it already since its been over a couple of weeks since he last seen it but nevertheless he chuck those useless thoughts in the back of his head as he continued to focus on the road before him.


Parking his car in the parallel parking lot, once his foot touch the ground instantly did Mingyu bolted off to the shop, not wanting to be a second too late.

Thankfully as Mingyu got there huffing and puffing in exhaustion as he supported his body by leaning onto both of his knees, displayed right before him in the same spot like before laid that specific ring that first caught his attentago.

'Yes, no one bought it yet, thank the lord,' he happily cheered.

As the sunlight shone through the window, he could see the reflection the ring made from the sunlight, further catching his interest, immediately he went into the shop with excitement bubbling through his body.

As he walked through  the store hoping to ask the owner how much the ring was worth, he finally found the person who appears to be an old man who was supporting himself with a walking stick while feather dusting away the dust from some merchandise.

Mingyu didn't know why but he felt that the old man was quite mysterious in some sort of way from the tone and the way he talked was like a wise man giving out life advices.

'Should become a professor then working in this rundown place, ' he thought to himself.

Snapping out his thoughts he then asked some question before listening carefully at what the old man got to say, beginning to talk and explain the details of the ring.

The ring is an antique ring from an unknown era and contained a strange crystal or diamond, no one could tell as they haven't seen it before.

The owner came across it when he went on a trip, as he was hiking up the mountain when suddenly he came by a hot spring. As he soaked in the hot spring there was something sparkling down below the water so he went to fetch it up as curiousty over took him, once he did thats when he came upon this ring.

At first, he was quite surprised and when he went to check it with a specialist they didn't give him an answer as they never saw this type of ring material and stone before.

Until this day he decided to put it up for sale as all honesty he had no use of the ring and thought someone will make use of it better.

Seeing that Mingyu wanted it, he said he could have it for free but Mingyu instantly denied as he gave the old man $350,000 dollars in cheque.

Though the man finds this way too much for a simple ring Mingyu wanted him to have it anyways as he felt the ring was more worth it than the money he gave him.

Getting out of the shop in a good mood, Mingyu looked at the ring on his middle finger with adoration when suddenly.........


He stiffened as he clutched his heart with the hand that got the ring, soaking it. Immediately he fell straight to the ground as his leg gave out while he felt his life was slowly draining and fading away from him.

He was shot and not by anyone but a professional sniper as they got him right at his heart.

Seconds later his once warm body turned deathly cold as screams and cries were heard around the area, people ran for cover and use whatever objects near or on them to cover themselves scared that they might be the next victim in line.

While the commotion was happening in the background, suddenly the once clear antique ring that was on Mingyu right finger was then soaked with blood completely, somehow absorbing it like it was hungry.

The ring soon started to glow dimly at first but then bright in a second before vanishing into thin air as it brought a white wisp of smoke with it.


Hey guys this will be my 5th novel a cultivation/fantasy/mpreg world. I always see novels about a female protagonist who were once assassins or whatever transmigrating to a cultivation world into a trash or disfigured body so I wanted to write my own but obviously in BL as I don't see much at all. I Hope you guys enjoy it hehe.

Known To Be A Waste : 7th Young MasterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon