Chapter 4

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The Lin clan was one of the most prestigious and well-known clans in the kingdom, it was extremely wealthy and high profile that no one dared to offend or they could say goodbye to 9 generations of their family.

The current head of the Lin Clan was Lin Huojin, his father, who was also the king's right-hand man and is currently at Spirit Master, Mid-stage.

Mingyu could only sigh helplessly as his head began throbbing in pain with frustration.

Blocked meridian, injured body and bad living place, truly he was in a bad predicament but hey he was still alive at least but hopefully with his current state he won't end up dying once again from this badly injured body.

After going through all the memories he just slumped on the spot as he supported his head with his hand.

What should he do next, does the original even have money...oh wait how can he forget, of course not since the servants took them all for themselves, "Bloody bastards," he inwardly cursed.

"Achoo," a servant sneezed while he was in the middle of gambling, "Did someone cursed me...," he thought but then brushed it off as he continued back gambling with the others.

As he was in deep thought a sudden shine from his right hand caught his attention, looking at his hand only then did he spotted the ring on his finger.

This wasn't just any type of ring, this was the particular ring that caught his attention in the first place, the ring he bought before he died!!!

"How did it...." all Mingyu felt was confusion, shock and surprise hitting him all at once as he stared blankly at the object before him with wide eyes.

'This just gets even crazier, ' he thought, still in his blank state.

Did the ring somehow transmigrated with the reason he came to this world in the first place was possibly because of this ring?

Only questions filled his mind as they were left unanswered.

What also got Mingyu gobsmack was that when he first got the ring it looked quite worn off and antique but how come now it gave off a high polish shine as the once dull ruby glowed deep crimson red like the colour of blood.

Gosh just more thoughts running through his mind that he couldn't help but stay unfocused with his surroundings.

Eventually snapping out of his wild thoughts he went to caress the ring to see if he was really imagining things.

But as soon as he touched it, instantly did he felt his whole body get sucked into it like a vortex.


Opening his eyes wide open, Mingyu was greeted with a field full of bluegrass as he felt the atmosphere around him was full of rich spiritual energy.

The streams flowed gently as in the distance beautiful plum blossoms bloomed like it was spring.

It was like a mini peaceful and tranquil world that others wishes to visit as it can truly bring one to relax.

"W-Where am I now this time??!" he muttered aloud.

Only confusion was seen on his face as he then stared upon his ring, 'Where did you bring me this time, ' he thought as he walked off aimlessly through the fields until further up ahead did he notice a hut in the near distance.

Walking towards it he finally got out the luscious field full of bluegrass until up ahead was just dirt fields with overgrown weeds in them and a path leading to the hut.

Once he got to the hut, Mingyu stepped in only to notice that it was still clean like someone was currently still living in here.

As he looked around did only then he spot a note on the antique wooden table and plenty of books that look like cultivation manuals and pill recipes piling around.

Picking up the piece of note, he then began to read it through.

To whoever may read this letter, you must have been wondering where you are.

Well, what brought you to this place is the ring that you have on with you, only the ring can bring you here as it holds a tiny space with heavily spiritual energy.

This isn't like any type of those interspatial rings cultivators usually use this is a special ring that allows you to cultivate, grow spiritual plants and keep live beasts.

This place is like a mini world that I've created when I've reached the Demi-god stage.

Oh, you must wonder who I am well haha I'm just a wondering cultivator who was known to be powerful back then in Immortal Martial Continent who mainly dwelled on his free time in making pills and manuals.

I've made this space personally so I can spend my days doing stuff as I've please without any bothersome cultivators buzzing around me.

This ring doesn't choose anyone as their masters as I've specially made it to choose a worthy individual, it basically has its own living conscious.

The time here is different as a day in here is an hour in the outside world, truly this is a godly or divine artefact every cultivator wishes to lay their hands on.

You also maybe wondering why I've let such a godly item go well, after ascension I don't think I'll have any use for it once I've become a divine being so I've decided to let it roam the far lands and search for a master that its deem worthy and that is you.

I wrote down all the pills recipes I have worked in my life and cultivation manuals I've discovered or personally written that you could make use off. Oh I've also left behind a godly furnace that many cultivators been seeking through their life.

The fields out there is rich soil that can extend a plants progress and level them up and those grass out in the field aren't just any type of grass but a 100,000-year-old spirit grass that can be used to refine high-grade pills or elixirs.

There are also some left over pills and elixirs I have made that are located somewhere around the hut.

The books on the desk will explain more about this place, so good luck~

Sincerely, Master Song Jianyu.

After digesting what was written on the note, Mingyu looked at the books with hope within his gaze.

Maybe he does have change his fate of forever being labelled as an Abandoned waste...

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