The footsteps move to the other side of the room, the light beam moving with it. Judging from the noise, the Official is standing by Lillie’s bed.

I hear a muffled groan from Lillie. Then a startled, “What’s going on?”

The Official soothingly answers, “Shhh…it’s okay. You won’t remember any of this anyway. Just close your eyes. You’ll feel a slight pinch on the inside of the elbow.”

Lilia sleepily answers, her voice becoming more tired and weary with every word, “Ow…I don’t want to go to sleep. Why are you here? Maybe I do want to sleep, I’m…suddenly…really…tired…maybe….I’ll…”

The Official’s footsteps once again come closer.

I continue the fake sleeping, even though my heart is pounding out of my chest. What’s happening?

The Official’s voice rings out in the silence, “I know you’re not sleeping.”

I keep my eyes closed, my back still facing the Official. I take slow, steady deep breaths.

The Official just sounds irritated, “Seriously? You’re horrible at fake sleeping. You obviously need some lessons.”

My eyes flicker open at her comments, but she can’t see from her position. This isn’t the way Officials talk.

The Official groans, “Just give me your arm, or I’m going to have to take it by force. Believe me, you don’t want me to do that.”

I stubbornly stay completely still.

The Official counts, “Five…four…three…”

I roll on to my back and hold out my arm, my eyes still closed. I’m dreading the thought that the Official might be the same Official that was watching me today. I’m terrified that I might be right.  I’d rather not know.

“I’m going to give you this shot, I suppose you’ve gotten it before?”

I open my eyes to slits, glancing at the vial of liquid clutched between her fingers. It’s a bright red, I’ve seen it before. I’m not exactly sure what it does, but it has been injected in me before.

“Well?” She asks.

I hesitantly nod. Doesn’t she know whether I got the shot before? Why does she care? Why can’t she just put the shot in my arm so we can get this over with?

The crook of my elbow chills. I remember from a time back that she must be wiping it off with a cotton cloth. She’s probably now preparing the needle.

After a couple seconds, I feel a sharp pinch on the inside of my elbow. I still force my face to remain emotionless, my eyes closed.

“Open your eyes.”

I don’t respond, keeping them shut tight.

“Come on, don’t be stubborn.”


“Why not?”

I roll my eyes beneath my eyelids before opening them. I figure it’s the best choice to obey an Official.

My heart sinks, while picking up the pace even faster. It’s the same Official who was watching me today.

My eyes slip to the empty shot vial that’s gripped in her hand. She watches me intently. Was the shot supposed to do something? They never seem to have any effect, at least not one that I’ve noticed. They must be some type of vaccination against something.

After a minute or so has past of the uncomfortable staring, the Official grins.

She asks, “Do you remember that girl today who ran from Officials?”

I know we aren’t supposed to talk about people who get sent to the Unknown. If I mention that I do remember her, is that the wrong answer? I simply meet the Official’s question with silence. I don’t want to give the wrong answer, so I give no answer at all.

The Official tilts her head, earnestly asking, “No, seriously, do you remember her?”

I shrug, “I guess. It only happened today at Mid-day Meal, why would I forget?”

The Official’s smile gets even wider, “And what happened?”

I slowly answer her question, “She ran along on the tables and kicked off girl’s bowls of oatmeal…”

She quickly changes topic, “Are you feeling tired at all? Exhausted? Faint? Dizzy?”

I hesitantly shake my head, “Uh, no, I guess not. I’m a little tired, but it’s kind-of late at night.”

The Official backs away from my bed, “It was lovely meeting you, Claire, I’ll be seeing you again.”

What does she mean by ‘seeing me again’? Is she taking me away?

I find it unsettling how she uses my personal name, not my Complex number.

The Official moves towards the door, the mysterious smile still plastered across her face.

Lillie’s reaction to the shot was a lot different than mine. She fell asleep almost immediately, mid-sentence. I don’t feel the slightest bit tired. Maybe it’s just because she was still half-asleep when she got the shot.

The Official shines the light beam in my face once more, causing me to squint at her. I want to close my eyes against the harsh brightness, but don’t want to seem weak.

I stare brazenly back at her.

She clicks off the light, darkness encompassing the entire room. I can see nothing in the sudden light change.

She whispers into the dark, “When we meet up again, which we will, you should know that my name is Bridget.”

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