Chapter 1: Letting Out

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Astrid's Pov

Yahoo.. Seventeen years already had passed.. And it's already been five years ever since I found out that I'm a princess and not just any ordinary princess. A fairy with magical powers.

And the best thing is my mommy cass. She already give me my gem when I turn 15, She said I'm already strong enough to hold it, But the worse part is.

I'm still imprisoned here at the house..

I wanted to go out and see new things.

But like mommy cass said It's too dangerous.. UGH! I'm already Seventeen, I can take care of myself, I've been doing some training this past years..

And I wanted to go outside, and experience new things. I wanted to go to a place they call school where most people like to go and learn.

And I've been seeing a lot of teenagers always going to school.

Right now I'm looking out the window imagining many things I could do out there, and not here in this house.

I got suddenly broke from my thoughts, I look at my left side and saw Janesa and Teresa, my butterfly fairy friends who also came from encantadia. They were born inside a magical flower.

They're the one who's looking out for me ever since I was brought here, Everytime Mommy cass has to go to work Teresa and Jenesa was my babysitter.

But it's funny though cause Their size was like an index finger.

"Hey guys wassup?" I ask looking at them,

Janesa was wearing a blue dress that has purple flowers on her straps, and a glittering Light blue wings. And Teresa was wearing a Red Dress with yellow flowers on the straps, and a shinning Green wings.

"We're good, we just wanted to see if your okay" Jenesa said calmly

"Ohh, I'm good" I said sadly, But the true is I'm not.

"Are you still thinking about going out there?" Teresa asked

"Well, yeah.. I mean, I'm Seventeen, in the next 9 months I will be Eighteen, And I will be going back to the world where I belong. To the place where I was born, and Be with my real mother, and sisters" I said looking at the window again.

Mommy Cass also told me that I also have sisters.

Mommy Cass decided to go back to our world when I turn 18,But even though I will go back there, War was still going on.

Mommy cass also told me that she's a guardian, so which means she can still feel if the darkness was still going on Encantadia.

She said that the gems was still in danger, the darkness still wanted the powers to takr over our kingdom.

All of them are hungry in Powers..

So I understand why mommy cass Decided to bring me back to the world where I usually belong when I turn 18. Cause she thought I'm more powerful.

"Well, How about tell to your mommy Cass about how you feel... I think she will understand.. Besides she always go out to work" Janesa said.

True mommy cass Always act like a normal person outside, so she can go to work to raise me, without using our powers.

But we still use our powers. Only in private...

People who are passing also to our house always says that it's mysterious that this house just came out of nowhere.

And sometimes when they spot me looking at the window, they think I'm a ghost, cause everytime I will saw someone looking at me..

When they look away for a second I will use my power to dissappear.

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