●Part 1●[CH+SS]

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I'll be writing seungcheol's POV first and others will be added in later.

The sunlight peek though the curtains and woke me up.I sat up and sighed at my lonely and cold room.My mum and dad had left me when I told them that I found myself liking boys but not girls(Gurl●ω●).I called Seokmin.

"Seokmin-ah,are u free today?"
Seokmin answered"Yes hyung,Uhhhh what do u want?"I smiled"Ok,let's eat breakfast at "SMILE MAN Cafe",we'll talk there,(I'm dunno wat ish this,dun ask meh;-;And this ish mai talking style, dun judge)my treat." "Ok."

After the conversation me and Seokmin have I went to do what people usually do in the morning.(too lazy to list that out )


I walk up to seungcheol hyung,"HYUNGGGGGGGGG!!!"He looked up from his phone"Oh hey Seokmin!let's go inside".

"So what do u wanna talk about hyung?"I asked Seungcheol hyung when we settle down."Seokmin-ah Don't u feel that living alone is quite boring?"I giggled then return back to my normal face expression"Yes,it maybe a little bit bored,so what?U wanna Find a boyfriend?"I smiled evilly when I saw seungcheol hyung blushed."WH-WHAT!?N-NO!I-I just w-wanna find a partner,like......a cat?"I replyed him"Oh~I actually want a cat too maybe let's go to some pet center to adopted some pets together!OH!I remember that there is a new pet center that is called "Shinning Diamond"Wanna visit there?" "Uh,Ok let's go~"

MY BOYFRIEND IS A WHAT!? -SeventeenWhere stories live. Discover now