Chapter 14- Sell Sword Are Always Sell Swords

Start from the beginning

"One trip to The Wall and you come back believing in grumpkins and snarks." Cersei shakes her head and follows Varys. "Come on little dove before he fills your head with childish superstition."

"I don't know what I believe, but here's a fact for you. The Night's Watch is the only thing that separates us from what lies beyond the Wall." Tyrion argues as Cersei brushes him off more. She glares at me so I stand up, putting my head down and dropping the scroll next to Tyrion.

"I have every confidence the brave men of the Night's Watch will protect us all." She pulls me away and I glance to Tyrion who watches me with concerned eyes. I try to tell him with my eyes. Tell him everything that has happened.

But he looks away and back to the scroll.

"More wine, princess?" Podrick, Tyrion's squire, asks me. I smile up at him and shake my head.

"No thank you Pod." He nods and returns the smile before standing back. Tyrion sat on one end of the table and I sat in the middle. He had invited me to dinner and now we waited for another guest. Soon enough Janos Flynt walks into the room. The commander of the city watch. I almost groaned aloud. I expected a good dinner with my Uncle.

The man bows to me and Tyrion before sitting down in the chair opposite of Tyrion.

"Wine Ser?" Pod asks Janos. The man grunts in response. I always thought he was a dick. Pod is shaking from nervousness and spills a bit onto him.

"Damn it, boy!" Janos gasps.

"Apologies, my lord." He says, urgent in his apology.

"It is no worry Podrick. Is it Ser Janos. Only a slight fault. Nothing wrong with that now is there?" I speak calmly. Giving a polite and innocent smile to Janos. He hears the command in the back of my voice and sinks back into his chair. "Leave us, Podrick. I think you could do with some time alone." He bows and walks away, smiling at me thankfully.

"Is that your new squire? Could have found you a proper lad." Janos mutters as if I wouldn't hear him. I glare in his direction.

"I rather like Podrick."

"I have to agree with the princess on that one. I Myself, I prefer the improper ones." Tyrion swishes his wine before taking another gulp.

"Hmm, that's a good red." Janos says into his cup. "Dornish?"

"You know your wines, my lord."

"That I do. A fine dinner, my lord."

"Call me Tyrion, please. I'm sure you're getting used to fine dinners, now that you're a lord." I roll my eyes at the fact. The man didn't deserve the title. I didn't know why he was here. What compelled Tyrion to have me and the lord at this dinner.

"Maybe I'll hire this cook of yours."

"Wars have been started for less." They both laugh, sipping their wine. I continue to drink my water. A fake smile on my face. Laughing when I need to. There is a small silence after that.

"I heard there was some trouble in Littlefinger's brothel the other night." I look at him curiously. I hadn't heard a thing.

"Hmm. Nasty business, had to be done."

"Yes, of course. City Watch must keep the peace. Only, I hadn't realized peace depended on killing babies." My heart stops. There are only two people who could have put him up to this.

"Orders are orders."

"Quite right. Especially the queen's orders."

"I never said they were the queen's orders."

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