Chapter 19 ~ Back to Square One

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why does school suck so much
spoiler: alec dies </3
also this chapter isn't the most exciting one but oh well

*not edited*

<< adrienne >>
Queen Clumsy: Chapter 19 ~ Back to Square One

I woke up in a groggy mood the next day. As I drag myself to the bathroom, I realized that I was in a more pissed off mood than usual. It didn't take a genius to realize that the confrontation with Alec yesterday put me in this sour mood. Even my soothing morning shower couldn't even put me in a better mood.

Why was I even mad at him in the first place?

Was it because he kept denying the fact that he likes me, or is it the fact that he didn't stop me when I left? Or maybe it's just because Alec's personality makes you angry all the time.

After my shower, I dried myself off and pulled my brown hair into a messy bun. Considering the fact that it was slowly getting chillier, I wore a long-sleeved shirt and ripped skinny jeans. After I admired my booty in the mirror for 5 minutes, I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.

"Mom! Let's go!" I call out as I open the garage door.

"Coming!" She calls back. Considering the fact that I was mad at Alec, there was no way in hell I would survive a car ride with him. Opting for a ride from Mom, I jumped into shotgun of our white SUV. Seconds later, Mom appeared wearing a tan dress and hopped in.

"What happened to Alec driving you to school?" Mom asks as she pulls out of the driveway.

"He said that he was busy today." I lie.

"But what about the other days?"

"I guess he's just been really busy lately." I shrug while lying my ass off. The moment those words left my lips, I bit down on my bottom lip: a nervous habit I've developed. The rest of the car ride was spent question-less and in a comfortable silence.

"Bye Mom!" I call out when she pulls up to the school. I step out of the car and join the wave of students entering the school. I follow the tsunami of students all the way to my locker. At my locker, I begin to get my books, humming my favorite song, so my mood doesn't go all sour again, and I punch someone (probably Alec).

When I finally gathered all my books that I needed in a nice, tall stack, I slammed my locker door shut. Just as I was about to turn and walk away, I let out of a yelp as I come face to face with a stoic expression.

"I need to talk to you." His stern voice states.

"Okay...?" I say unsure as he drags me away from the crowded halls and into an empty classroom. God, the number of empty classrooms that are in this school is ridiculous.

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