Chapter 3

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The Doctor and Amy studied the marauders map, and watched the little names walking around the castle.

"How are we going to get to Diagon Alley?" asked the Doctor "we don't even know where that is!"

"yes we do! Come on we are going to London"

The Doctor followed Amy into the TARDIS and shut the door. He started pressing buttons and pulling levers, with one one final lever, the TARDIS took off.

They landed in London and Amy opened the door. Luckily, they were in Charing Cross Road, the exact place she wanted to be. She walked up to a completely black doorway. The Doctor ran over

"what are you doing? There's nothing there but a wall"

Amy laughed

"Doctor you can't see it because your a muggle"

"what's a muggle?"

"a non-magic person"and with that Amy opened the door

" I don't understand magic, how can something not be there and then be there?" The Doctor followed Amy through the tavern and through another door which lead to a completely solid brick wall.

"are you sure you know what your doing? After all it is fiction not everything will be real!"

"Remember that time when we found Sherlock Holmes? We helped him solve a mystery exactly like one of his books. Everything is real" Amy laughed again "trust me I'm Amy Pond" she touched some bricks on the wall and muttered "three up two across Aha!" the bricks on the wall began to move to form an archway "see, not just fiction" she ran through the arch excitedly. She looked around an all the shops. She wished that she could buy more than just what she needed but Dumbledore had given her just enough money to buy what she needed. She opened her school list. Dumbledore had already got her books for her.

"Ok doctor you can get these things" she pointed to some on the things on the list "and I'll get these" she pointed at the rest "I'll meet you back here in 30 minutes"

"Ok can I investigate more about magic while I'm here"

" ok Doctor but try and keep out of trouble" the Doctor grinned

"you know me! Always staying out of trouble"

the Doctor headed off into one of the shops. Amy looked around and spotted Madam Malkin's. She entered the shop.

"Hogwarts?" asked a small witch dressed in mauve

"yes please" replied Amy. She stood still while she was measured for her robes.

When she had got her robes she left the shop and got a few other things. The only thing left now was Olivander's and the Owl Emporium.

She walked into Olivander's. She was so excited to get a wand.

Out of time and into Hogwarts (Doctor who/Harry Potter cross)Where stories live. Discover now