Chapter 2

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"I though it was only a book" Explained Amy "You know Harry Potter, the boy wizard, parents killed by Voldemort and all that"
"Harry Potter?? Voldewhat? Hogwarts?" The Doctor frowned, he never read books from around that time period he liked the ones from the future better.
"Oh come on! Are you seriously telling me that you have never heard of Harry Potter?"
"Nope, never herd of it!"
"Well basically all you need to know is that Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry is a school for wizards and witches and that's where we are now!"
"ok... but why are we here..?"
"Because I want you to be here" The Doctor whirled around. Behind him was a tall figure dressed in black robes.
"Professor Dumbledore!" exclaimed Amy
"Ah... I see that you have read the books my friend J.K. Rowling has been writing about our world, quite remarkable if I may say so"
"Why do you want us to be here then Professor?" Amy looked confused "we aren't magical and anyway we are too old to be students"
Dumbledore chuckled
"Because I think there might be somebody in the 1st year that will interest you, Jake is his name"
"Why would he interest us?" the Doctor asked curiously
"Because he is not a normal wizard"
"what do you mean 'not normal' " Amy was starting to get frustrated because Dumbledore wouldn't give them straight answers
"He can do things that no normal wizard can"
"and what do you want us to do about it?"
"I want you to investigate, I have a spell that will make you look younger Amelia Pond you will be able to befriend our young wizard and see what you can find out about him"
"Wow! I would love to go to Hogwarts but there is just one small problem... I'm not a witch and what about the Doctor? What will he do?"
"Ah... you do not know?"
"know what?"
"well as quoted from the Philosopher's Stone 'Yer a witch Amelia' "
"I'm a witch? Not possible I didn't get a letter when I was younger"
"you were surrounded by Time Particles and that made it hard for owls to find you"
"but what about the Doctor? what will he do?"
"Yes!" Interjected the Doctor "what WILL he do?"
"The Doctor can be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher" Dumbledore handed the Doctor a stack of books "better start reading!" He took out his wand "Deminuo!" A weird feeling swept through Amy like when you're in bed and you feel as though your falling only it lasted for about 20 seconds. She shut her eyes. When she opened them everything seemed larger she looked up at the Doctor "I've shrunk!" She exclaimed.
"Term starts in 5 days so you should better go to Diagon Alley and buy all the stuff you need. Here are some galleons, the first year list of what you will need and of course the Marauders Map!" Dumbledore winked "You know what to do!" He nodded then with a swish of his cloak he turned and headed back to the castle.

"What" Said the Doctor "What!? What!??"
"Okay... So... I'm a witch... I'm a witch... I'M A WITCH" Amy jumped up and down in excitement "And I'm a kid again! Not exactly the kind of holiday I was looking for but good enough!

Out of time and into Hogwarts (Doctor who/Harry Potter cross)Where stories live. Discover now