Chapter 8

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"You... You're JK Rowling!?" Amy thought she must have heard wrong

"Yes, that's what I just said!" Said Hermione, sounding quite annoyed

"Sorry, I just... I love your books!"

Hermione relaxed and smiled "Thank you, I try my best. Could you keep calling me Hermione though, I don't want anybody else to know"

"Of cause!" Amy turned to Willow and realized that thankfully, she was too intent on the sorting to have heard the conversation she just had with Hermione.

Finally the last name was called and Dumbledore rose. Silence spread across the hall and many faces turned to him expectantly.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I expect most of you are hungry so I'm not going to say any more" He smiled and sat back down. Suddenly, food appeared on the plates in front of them and Amy and Willow gasped.

"So much food!" Willow exclaimed, Amy was already piling her plate with food. She felt someone looking at her and looked up to the staff table. The Doctor winked at her and she grinned back at him.

"Who's that?" Willow asked, pointing at the Doctor "You seem to know him"

"Oh, that's the new professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts" Amy said "He's my... uh... I guess you could say guardian"

"Oh, ok"


After a while, the desserts vanished from their plates and silence spread across the hall again as Dumbledore stood up

"I hope you have all had an enjoyable meal. This year I would like to introduce the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor John Smith"

"What happened to the last one!?" Someone shouted out

"He resigned after the incident last year. Now, first years follow your prefects to your respective houses, good evening"

"Oh, that's me!" Hermione exclaimed "Gryffindors follow me!" She shouted. Amy and Willlow got up and followed her out of the hall.

"What happened last year?" Amy asked curiously

"We don't like to talk about it" Said Hermione. Amy wanted to ask more but the look on Hermione's face stopped her.

They walked along a corridor until they reached a flight of stairs.

"Be careful, these staircases like to move. Stick to me and you'll be fine" She said

They started to climb the stairs but halfway up, a boy yelped. Amy looked back at him and saw that his leg was partly embedded in the step.

"Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you, some of the steps are trick ones" Said Hermione looking worried. Together they managed to pull the boy out of the stair.

"Thanks!" He gasped "I'm Mitch"

"Amy and this is Willow" Amy said pointing at Willow

"Come on you lot! We're going to waste all day here" Hermione smiled at us "We have time for introductions tomorrow"


"I'm going to show all of you to your dorms now, boys go with him" She pointed at a tall boy, Amy saw the glint of a prefect badge on his chest

"And girls follow me"

After showing most of the girls into their respective dorms, Hermione motioned to a door "This is the room for..." She looked at her list "Amy, Willow, Skye and..." She turned over the page "Tara. Your things are already in there"

Amy pushed open the door and the four girls made their way into the room. It was big, with four four-poster beds, a door that led to a bathroom and windows that Amy was pretty sure shouldn't be there seen as there was another dorm next door. But somehow they showed the grounds.

She made her way over to the bed that her belongings were next to and lay down, she could have fallen asleep that easily but she forced her eyes open.

"Hey, do you wanna swap beds?" Said a girl, walking up to Amy, she was tall with short brown hair and blue eyes, and was wearing a Fall Out Boy t-shirt and black skinny jeans "I saw you were friends with Willow so uh I thought you might want to have a bed next to hers..." She trailed off.

"Uh, yea, sure, thanks" Amy smiled

"I'm Skye and this is my twin sister, Tara" She pointed at the other girl in the room who was huddled on the bed next to mine "That's the other reason I want to move, she's not very comfortable with strangers" Tara was shorter than Skye and had long blonde hair but her eyes were the same shade of piercing blue.

"H-hi Amy" She stuttered

"Hey, Tara" Said Amy warmly and then turned her attention back to Skye "It's ok, I understand" Skye smiled gratefully at her

"Thanks, she will become more comfortable around you but please don't be mean"

"I wouldn't dream of it" Amy picked up her trunk and heaved it to the other bed between her old one and Willow's.


Amy lay in her bed with the curtains pulled closed around it, it was about midnight but she couldn't sleep, she was going to do actual magic tomorrow! The whole day had been an amazing experience and even though she knew it wasn't, she was scared to sleep in case this had all just been a dream.

"Skye, you still awake?" Amy heard Tara, her voice sounded different, more confident than it had when she talked to Amy.

"Yea, you know what I'm like, tumblr calls. I'ma night owl!" Skye joked and Tara giggled "Can't you sleep?" She asked

"I tried but I couldn't" Tara sounded sad

"You wanna come watch amazingphil with me?" there was a noise as Tara moved over to Skye's bed

"Thanks" Amy heard the sound of headphones against metal. They both laughed at some unheard joke from Phil. "Even when I'm at my worst, he always makes me feel special. How does he do that?"



Heyyyy, sorry that not much happened in that chapter but it will get better :3 I felt it was important to include that conversation between Tara and Skye to show their relationship and how much better Tara is around Skye. And if you noticed the Buffy quote I will love you forever :) byeeee

Jas xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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Out of time and into Hogwarts (Doctor who/Harry Potter cross)Where stories live. Discover now