Chapter 6

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Thoughts whirled around Amy's head. She never dreamed she would be sitting in a carriage with her favourite childhood character going to the best school in the world to learn magic!

Something must have showed on her face because Hermione asked 'Are you ok?

'Yea I'm fine, just thinking' Amy quickly responded

'Oh, ok' Hermione didn't look convinced 'I was-' but her response was cut short by the arrival of a third person. The door slid open revealing a boy with blond hair, slicked back and a smirk pasted on his face.

'What do you want?' Hermione said exasperated

'Hello Granger, did your boyfriend dump you or are you embarrased to be seen with him? I wouldn't blame you either way' Said Draco Malfoy

'Back off Malfoy' Amy said without thinking, well she was thinking but only about what she wanted to say instead of ''back''

'oooh, did you get a  little 1st year to defend you? Or is this your new friend?' He said turning his attention back to Hermione 'Another filthy little mudblood I presume'

'At least I have friends' Hermione retorted

'My father will hear about this, he will get both of you expelled'

'At least my dad isn't a death eater' Amy looked at Malfoy defiently

Malfoy stared at her for a while and then whirled round and slammed the carrage door behind him

'How did you know who he was?' Hermione asked incredulous

'Dumbledore told me about him' Amy said quickly

'You've met Dumbledore?'

'Uh, yea he gave me my letter'

'Why didn't an owl or Hagrid give it to you?'

'Umm...' Amy was running out of ideas but then the train came to a stop, relieved Amy got up.

'I guess I'll see you later' Hermione said happily 'Hope you get into Gryffindor'

'Me too!' Amy smiled and jumped off the train, quickely followed by Hermione.

She looked up at the castle, at her home for the year. It was going to be a good year.


A/N: Thanks again for reading :D Sorry I haven't posted for ages but I was in France on a school trip to see the battlefields with no wifi :( and then it was half term and I went to Spain and couldn't take my computer so I wrote it in my fanfic notepad but I couldn't post it online and that was a long sentance so I'm going now hehe bai.

Jas xx

Out of time and into Hogwarts (Doctor who/Harry Potter cross)Where stories live. Discover now