"I'll transfer £10 thousands baby" Lucas's eyes bulges out. That's too much! He usually ask men for maximum £5 thousands but Harry fucking Styles just offered him £10 fucking thousands!

"Are you insane?! That's too much love! Oh my god!" Lucas exclaims shockingly. Harry chuckles.

"That's nothing baby. I would literally give you the whole universe if I can. You deserve it" Harry says and Lucas wanted to cry so bad at the words. Now he felt real bad.

"No. That's too much Harry! I don't need that much!" Lucas lies. Hell! he loves money.

"Nope. I'll still give it to you. Just fucking deal with it babe" Harry gives his boyfriend a quick kiss on the cheek. Lucas just shakes his head. This man is unbelievable!

"Fine! You're a crazy man Harry Styles" Harry grins widely.

"Of course cause I'm so crazy in love with you" Harry's eyes widened, did he just said that? He slipped off and the look on Lucas's face is the same. Looking as shock as the curly headed man.

"W-what?" Lucas's mouth hanging open. HARRY STYLES IS IN LOVE WITH HIM! should he feel good about this?! He didn't expect for the man falling in love with him in such a short period of time.

Harry sighs and decided to tell the truth about his feelings.

"Umm..i-i'm yes.. baby I love you, you're the first person who make me feel something that I've had never felt before and at that moment I knew you're the one for me, it's fine if you don't feel the same cause we're still new but I just wanted to let you know that you're the one. Having you as mine is enough for now but I expected more in the future" Harry let all his heart out. Lucas just stares at him with wide eyes. Probably trying to process the bomb Harry just dropped.

Lucas is speechless. His inside flutters at the man's love confession towards himself.

Harry is in love with him. Harry fucking Styles just confessed his heart out and even mentioned the word future! As in marriage! Oh my god! He really want to back away before it gets worse but he thinks again. If he let Harry go he maybe didn't have this opportunity again so he decided to try this relationship. Maybe deep inside he will soon open his heart for Harry.

"I'm...i-i'm speechless that's so-"

"You don't have to say anything yet baby" Harry says. He is afraid of rejection from the boy. Lucas smiles.

"Thank you Harry...just thank you for everything" Lucas engulfs the man with tight hug.

"Anything baby" Harry mumbles through Lucas's hair.


Meanwhile Louis and Niall at Liam's flat.

"What were you thinking Louis! What the hell! Oh my god! You married to a man who is taken and you knew about it all along yet still agreed to this arranged marriage! Are you fucking kidding me! Oh my fucking god! I don't fucking care anymore if I swears in front of you cause this matter deserves more than cursing words! I fucking want to choke your husband so fucking bad! He fucking rubs his perfect relationship to his own husband and oh my you even friends with your husband's scandal?! What is this? A drama on tv? Louis you deserves so much better! Please you need to walk away from this marriage or it will hurt you so bad! Listen to me Lou! You're my best friend and I hate seeing you living with a man I thought was gonna treat you good! I wanna cry so bad Louis! I'm so sorry I didn't notice this before! I should've known he was a fucking player! I love you Louis so much and I want you to be happy not miserable!" Niall rambles his heart out through his tears. He actually cry for his best friend's miserableness. He couldn't imagine how Louis felt right now knowing his husband is out fucking a boy while he is at home being a good little husband for the man.

Louis just stay silence. He wanted his friend to let all out.

"Say something! Louis! For fuck's sake! This situation isn't right! I will tell your grandpa right fucking now and get you two to divorce!" Niall says taking out his phone. Louis looks at the boy weirdly. As he knows, Grandpa didn't have a cellphone.

"Umm Niall-"

"Shut up I'll call your grandpa right now" Louis shuts his mouth immediately. Angry Niall isn't pretty.

"Fuck! I forgot he didn't have a phone!" Niall curses. Louis giggles.

"Are you kidding me Louis? You fucking giggle while me thinking about your fucked up marriage?!" Niall asks in disbelief. Louis just continue giggling. Louis is now used to hearing swear words since his own husband just like to swears at him a lot.

"Stoop! I'm not in the mood right now!" Niall whines.

"Alright! Alright!" Louis stop giggling but grins widely. He misses his best friend so much.

"Like seriously Louis why are you so calm about this?" Niall asks with seriousness in his voice. Louis sighs.

"Niall..I'm now used to this and trust me when it's time Harry will divorce me. That's the deal." Louis says calmly even though every word he said shot an incredible pain through his heart. He is actually not okay but he didn't want to show how weak he is in front of Niall. He needs to be strong for people around him. He didn't want to worried anyone especially his grandpa or his father in law.

Niall frowns. His best friend shouldn't used to this.

"You promise? That he will let you go when it's time? You never break promises Lou and if you did I'll be very disappointed"

"Only if you promise me to not tell anyone especially my Grandpa about this?" Louis says and Niall sighs but nods his head.

"Fine. I promise"


A/N: So? Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for any grammatical errors. You can comment your thoughts if you want!

Whoever reading this: I love you xx


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