Abhi deliberately ignored him and continued
"How will we make the world album if we are not in touch. It's a collaboration project, Right?
One party doesn't seem interested and
You are not paying any heed to the one totally serious about it.," he wound him up in his web.

A tired Mr. Wig gave up and spoke
"OK,I will give you his manager's number . she will tell if you can talk to him because she strictly ordered me against it,"

"OK. I will talk to her, bye,"
Abhi said maintaining his attitude.

A little later his phone pinged for new message, with Pragya's contact which he dialled right away to get slack jacked in awe of his wife, as the answer came.
The Number you are trying to reach is not any one's use

He tried the same with his new sim and looked heavenward with his fingers crossed.
At a hotel room :

Pragya is trying to put Kiara to sleep who seem to be in no mood of it as she tosses and turns in the bed and making various excuses to avoid.

Kiara: "mumma washroom,"

Pragya in scolding tone.
"Kiara ,stop your drama go to sleep,"

Kiara gave a pleading look.
"I really need to go"

Pragya sighed : " OK ,fine go. Be careful "

Pragya rested her head against the head board when her phone rang. she didn't recognized the number so picked it up.

"Hey crime partner " a gleeful answer came.

"Who? How do you get this number? "
Although she perfectly recognized 'who' was it but surprised.

" you made me real proud with this move ., were you working with some detective agency in London? "
Abhi said enjoying her surprise.

" how do you get my number? " asked Pragya now back in real world.

"Why does it matter? What matters is you can't really hide from me Pragya Abhishek Mehra"
beamed Abhi.

STEP - 1  REVENGE TANU  ✔Where stories live. Discover now