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chapter one !carter meets history

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chapter one !
carter meets history


Carter Skies was born in a blizzard. A flurry of a girl, indeed. She had gone through too much too young, sure, but it hadn't hindered her. It wouldn't hinder her. Surely she could handle a last minute schedule change in the first month of the eighth grade.

It wasn't the most comforting pep talk as she made her way down to Mr. Mathews' world history classroom, but it was all she had.

Carter was familiar with Mr. Matthews, it was near impossible not to be. Riley Matthews, his daughter, and her group of friends had made a big name for themselves since the sixth grade.

The thought of the tight knit group almost made her laugh. She'd never shared a class with any of them before, and wasn't one to gossip, but the amount of times she'd caught Maya Hart getting her ear talked off in the girl's bathroom said enough.

So there the mystery stood in the doorway of the history classroom, frozen in place. The subway had been delayed, and she had arrived five minutes late. Just as the class was in a mid conversation. Carter had no idea what they were talking about. Quite frankly, neither did their teacher.

Corey Matthews knew of Carter Skies. All the teachers did. They all admired her very much. She was an amazing student, with a specialty in History. Many of the teachers, including the Guidance Counselor, noticed that she showed signs of being an antisocial child. There was nothing wrong with that, except it was different with Carter. Everything was. 

Mr. Matthews was mid sentence when the door creaked open and he lost the attention of his entire class.

"Miss Skies!" Mr. Matthew greeted her with a grin. "So glad you could join us. Got a transcript?"

Carter was suddenly aware of how clammy her hands were. "Yes sir, thank you."

Mr. Matthews gave her a hopeful smile and took the neatly folded paper from her hands. Holding it up to the florescent light above his head, the teacher chuckled.

"Either you've mastered plagiarism, or you're our new resident genius."

A boy in the second row looked up from his notes and smirked. "Yes sir, that's Little Skies."

The rest of the class broke out in hushed laughter at the nickname. Carter raised her brow in questioning.

The brunette in front of him, which she recognized as Riley Matthews, whipped her head back to look at him. "Lucas, how do you know the new girl?"

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