welcome to lumberton

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Rieth and Banth went to the lighthouse to meet Fleur and Yuli before they trekked to Lumberton. As they ate a hearty breakfast, she told Banth about the messages from Shadz and Vole. Rieth buried his relief that the Mage would not be coming to the Isle this year. Captain Vole on the other hand was a different problem. Rieth was not sure if his magically changed appearance would fool the former Navigator of the Starship Seeker who had spent years of the war working with him. He had gotten a message that Rheema had gotten her cousin, Star Captain Lilith of the Wanderer on their side.

Next month, she would bring Abrieth and Regis to the Southern Star Archipelago under the guise of secretly investigating reports of violent brigands. Lilith's crew were mostly younger Aetherians who chose the Star Fleet over Guardsmen Corps for their term of service to the kingdom. Abrieth was going to claim he was going hunting with Regis and Regulus on Meridian 4. They would use the portals to meet Lilith on Havilah, then fly to the southern hemisphere of Oceania.

Fleur strapped on a single sword on her hip and was about to put on her cloak, when Banth reminded. "Did you bring a dress for the meeting with the mayor's council about the school?"

Fleur's face twisted into a scowl as she answered, "Yes, I did. It's prim and proper, and I promise not to wear my sword to the meeting." She went to the door and swung it open. "Come, Fang. You don't care what I wear, do you? You're not intimidated by a woman who can use a sword, no, you're not... 'cause you're a good boy." Fishlover had been convinced to stay home, but he lurked in the window watching them go.

Yuli started laughing as Reith's eyebrow shot up. Banth chuckled as they walked behind Fleur, then he elaborated, "Some of the town council, including Protector Corbin are a little intimidated by Lord Shadz's favorite student, especially since your rescue, Rieth."

They should be,′ Reith tapped out, 'She's my heroine.'

As Yuli giggled, Fleur turned her face toward him, "Keep it up, woodsmith, and you can make your own soup."

Anything you wish, my lady.'

Banth and Yuli laughed out loud. Fleur stopped, with her hand on Fang's shoulder, the canine stopped too. "Why do you have to take mischief lessons from Yuli?" Then she walked ahead. It was what she always said when Rieth called her "my lady". She had repeatedly reminded him that she was no lady and never would be.

The sun was glowing on the horizon; the crisp air wasn't cold enough to unpleasant with the exertion of walking through the forest. It would take them four hours to walk to Lumberton at a pace comfortable for Banth. As they arrived at the crossroads two hours later, Fleur patted Banth's arm.

"I'm fine, Fleur. This old warhound can still be taken for a walk. "

"I just don't want you to get too tired." She said as she tucked her hand in his arm.

Banth kissed her temple. "No, you just want me to get fat and lazy as you think an old man should be."

"If I was serious about making you fat and lazy, I'd make Yuli hide your leg and bake you a cake every day," she teased and Banth chuckled.

Rieth watched the exchange thoughtfully as he threw a stick for Fang to chase, thinking they were so like grandfather and granddaughter. Fang brought him back the stick, Yuli pointed and Fang ran in the direction before the stick was thrown. The lighthouse had been set to run automatically for the next three nights, but Fleur had fused worriedly over yesterday's noon meal until Finn the Boarding House Keeper and Bolton the butcher promised her they would tend it if there were any problem. Yuli was twitching as they walked down the Midcoastal Road to the turn-off to Lumberton. As soon as the turn off came, Yuli looked back to his mother without speaking but his eyes glowed slightly.

The Huntsman's Hope Book 4 (draft )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant