Creeping Out Of Love

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Off The Wall Era Part With An Up and Coming Singer Request by: allnightdancin
Song Request by: cardibfan1999

WARNING: Swearing and abusive scenes.
HIStory Era: June, 1995

He held you in his arms with a touch that felt so unknown.

His love had slipped through your fingers.

Ever since you had came back from tour, everything had changed. A part of you was angry for he had promised the love would survive after the months apart. Unfortunately, once you returned, you could feel his heart was elsewhere. The shine that once filled his eyes was replaced by darkness. A constant question fluttered through your deepest thoughts; how could the man you love turn so cold?

As Michael released you out of his embrace, he turned in one swift motion. You sighed as he walked out of the hallway and into an area within the large palace— that you both called home. Before Michael was too far away from you, you blurted out at random.

"I saw Diana today" you said quietly. You soon regretted starting the conversation. You glanced down as you awaited a response.

You couldn't see Michael, but you knew his head had turned. "Oh, yea?" he questioned.

"Yea, it was good seeing her. I owe her so much, my career.. you.." you dragged on as your eyes went upwards- falling upon Michael.

As he came closer he put his hands on both of your cheeks. Your body shivered at his cold touch. Your eyes almost formed tears at the frost, you were so desperate for the warm and loving embrace he used to soothe you with. "I owe her a great deal as well" he spoke with a small smile before placing a kiss on your forehead.

A smile formed on your face at the kind gesture. As you pulled away from him, your smile faded and your stomach felt as though it had been kicked. A group of hickeys claimed the left side of Michael's neck. You could hardly speak, you expected to be mad but instead you were full of self-doubt— a feeling a woman should never burden.

Michael didn't pay mind to your gaze, but he was bothered by the silence. "What is it?" he said in mono-tone.

"N-nothing" you stuttered as you fought back tears. Your eyes fell upon his spring-coat hanging on the nook of his arm. "Where are you going?" you said with a subtle harsh tone.

"Working on the up-coming album with Quincy" he said quickly as he diverted his eyes from yours.

You felt an urge to kick him in the shins, stomach or better yet; the balls.

Quincy was your producer as well, you knew he was out of town for the next two weeks. The fact he couldn't have even come up with a believable lie made your stomach churn. He simply didn't care at that point- but you did..

"Mmm, fun" you said sternly before moving away from him. You walked out of the hallway, in the direction of downstairs and headed to the cellar. Not once did you look back at Michael.

"Bye, (Y/N)" he murmured before shutting the door behind him. 

You ran down the stairs and rushed for a glass of wine. You hardly drank, but you wanted to drink before the pain struck your heart.

As you opened the door- the cool air hit your body and caused goosebumps to form. Your bare feet hit the frosty stone floor. You speed-walked towards the racks of wine. Your hands formed around the neck of a dark-red colored wine. "Well at least it's organic" you laughed with a small smile on your face. It quickly faded and you realised the pain in your heart was becoming more noticeable- it was your cue to swig.

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