Chapter 18

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~~~~~~Toby's POV~~~~~~

Our next mission later tonight. I could tell Nix is so happy because she kept on drifting to sleep, only to be waked up by me.

"Thank goodness!" She sighed. "I need more sleep anyways. Wake me up when it's time." She walked out of the room. Me and M and H chuckled as Slendy sighed.

"I'm sure she'll get used to being a proxy." Masky chuckled.

"I wouldn't be glad about that if I were you." I chuckled. "If she gets used to it, she will become a bit anxious and hell mature. Like in the 2nd grade when she became class leader, man it's like dictatorship. She becomes too bossy and serious about her position."

"And so what?" Hoodie said.

"I'll just let you guys find out for yourselves." I laughed. I could tell they're worried.

"Is it more worst than when she's on her period?" Masky said in a worried tone. I nodded.

"Fuck!" I laughed as they panicked and ran around.

"Nah I'm just joking. Her period is the worst, but as long were cool with her, you guy are safe. She can't act bossy around us because she doesn't really want to hurt us." I remembered when she touched my back, the pain disappeared. "I just realized something."


"When Nix helped me up because I landed on my back when we jumped out of the window, when she touched my back, it felt like something was absorb into the pain spot and it disappeared." Slendy nodded and facepalmed himself.

"I totally forgot. She also has healing powers. How can I be so forgetful?"

"You're getting old?" Hoodie chuckled as Slendy's tentacle smack the back of his head.

"I'm immortal. I can't age nor die. So are all of you. Well Sally and Erica are growing so they have chances of dying at this stage until they turn 20." Slendy growled. Everyone snickered. "You may leave." We walked out of the office and head downstairs. Masky and Hoodie went to the kitchen to eat their cheesecakes as I sat on the couch to watch Ben play his games.

"Dude you suck at COD." I laughed. He showed me the middle finger and resume playing. Man it's boring when Nix goes back to sleep. Well she isn't a morning person anymore due to recent nightmares. Sometimes she wouldn't sleep at all like last time.

"So your waiting for me?" Nix was walking down the stairs with her guitar on her shoulder and a phone in her ear. "So our first gig is at Naked Fish right?... Oh okay, be there in 10 miutes. Okay laters." She turned off her phone put it in her pocket. She walked right passed me until she stopped and went back.

"Toby you look so bored." Wow you should've noticed that ever since.

"Bored as hell." I rolled my eyes.

"Wanna come with me? Me and guys are performing at a grill and bar." I nodded.

"Okay. Be right back, I'm gonna change." She nodded as I went up stairs and to my room. I pick out a white demon tshirt and black jeans. I wore my beanie and a chain necklace. I head back downstairs and went out the door with Nix.

When we got to the entrance of the forest, a white pick up truck was waiting there and some people on it.

"Sup Toby, Nix!" A girl, well I think her name is Jaina, greeted.

"Hey girls, boys!" Nix greeted back."Is it alright to make Toby come?"

"Sure no prob." We climbed on the back as the pick up droved off. It's been a while since I rode a transportation machine that I got car sickness and it got Nix worried.

"Toby you didn't tell me you have car sickness!" She handed me a paper bag as I threw up in it. She kept on patting my back as I continue throwing up. We hit a bump and it nearly make Nix fly off. We saw a rabbit on the ground.

"Tom you jackass! You ran over a rabbit!" The girl who I believe to be Hayley yelled.

"Sorry I didn't see it!" The guy name Tom said. I finally stopped throwing up and tossed the bag into the road.

"You okay now? That's a lot of vomit." Nix said worriedly. I nodded. When we got there, we jumped out of the truck and to the bar. I sat at the table near the stage while they get their stuff ready to play some music.

*Five Hours later*

We head back to the mansion. It's almost 5 and we have to report to Slendy's office immediately. I went to my room to change back to my casual clothing for killing. Then I head to Slendy's office to see everyone there already.

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