The Japanese Demigod-Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

"Haruhi! Don't tell them that!"

"I can't imagine you being like that." Ayame confessed.

"Yeah I guess I am different." I agreed, "After my mom died, I matured a bit, now that I had a look of the cruel world I was sheltered from." Smiling, I tilted my head, "Sorry, I shouldn't ruin the mood."

Before anyone could respond, a knock on the doors sounded through the room. The door opened and a familiar face popped in. Michael Yew, the new counselor of the Apollo cabin, after Lee Fletcher passed away last summer. He got teased a lot for his height (4'6), but made up for it with his two feet of attitude. He was one of the few campers that were also part Japanese. His grandmother was Japanese, and she taught him her native language.

Michael looked around the room, getting confused at the many girls and few boys.

Kyoya walked up to him, and asked, "Do you need anything?"

Michael looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm looking for Kotoko Fujioka."

I stood up then, making myself noticeable. "Michael! What are you doing here?"

He glanced at me, and almost dropped with relief. He hurried towards the table.

"Who is this Koto-chan?" Honey asked. It was a bit funny seeing someone smaller than Honey.

"This is Michael Yew. We go to camp together." I turned to him, crossing my arms. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at camp?"

"Aren't you supposed to be at camp." He mocked. I gave him a look, and he sighed dramatically. "I have a message."

"And couldn't you have I-M'd me?"

"Can we talk privately?"

I realized everyone was staring at us, stopping whatever they were doing. Grabbing Michael's arm, I dragged him outside, shutting the door behind us.

"Did something happen at camp?" I asked, panicked.

"No, fortunately."

"Then what is it? And why did they send you? Nico could have just traveled."

"Nico's been busy trying to convince your dad to help us out."

"I wish dad wouldn't be so stubborn."

"All our parents are stubborn." I nodded. That is true. "Chiron sent me to warn you that Luke is near."

"Damn that bastard! When I get my hands on him I'll wring his neck and feed him to Mrs. O'Leary!"

He sighed, but smiled a bit.

"Why is he here?!"

"Yours, Nico's, and Percy's birthdays are coming up soon. I think he's guessing you're the child of the prophecy." He shrugged.

I tugged the end of my hair. "I don't want to be the one! I don't want to be involved in this crap! I just want to be normal like I was before my mom died."

"Hey, Kotoko..."

"Nothing ever goes right for me, Percy, Thalia, and Nico!"

"Calm down! It's not the end of the world!"

"But it might be!"

Michael shut his eyes at his wrong choice of words. "Look, there's nothing we can do to change what your or their fathers did. It was going to happen someday. All you can do now is wait until the prophecy comes true and if, if you're the one, then do what you think is the right choice."

I scowled. "Why do we always have to take the blow of our parent's mistakes? We always get punished because of them."

"We can't change anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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