Chapter 27 - Harper

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but laugh at the pouty face he was sporting.

"I need to think about what I want you to do. But for now let's listen to what Lex has got to say."

"I'd like to thank my coach, and my team for the win tonight. I'd like to thank the fans who have supported me from the start and continue to do so. Thank you to everyone who made the event possible and thank you to my opponent. You really put up a good fight out there. I'd like to dedicate my win tonight to my little peanut who I'm excited to see in a couple of months. Once again thank you everyone."

Lex made his way over to me like he does after every fight and gave me a hug and kiss, shook hands with Xavier and he was off back stage. Xavier and I made our way back to the hotel to get ready for a late celebratory dinner with Lex when he came back. As soon as we got back my phone started ringing, and looking at the caller ID I saw that it was Macy.

"Hello, is everything alright?" I answered quite panicked that she was ringing. It had to be pretty late back on New Zealand seeing as they were two hours ahead of us and it was already 10:00pm here.

"Oh my god, Brian and I were just watching the fight and Lex's speech hinted that there was a little peanut. Is that code for he's having a baby and he didn't bother telling me!" Macy screeched on the other end of the line.

It took me a few seconds to process her words before I could formulate my answer. "Calm down Macy. Lex isn't having a baby."

"Then what the hell did he mean about being excited to see his little peanut in a few months time. I just thought that was code for he got someone pregnant and was going to be a father, because I can't recall him ever mentioning a girlfriend," she said sounding curious.

"Damnit Macy, your mind is too sharp. There is a baby," I said taking a deep breath while Macy screamed at who I'm assuming is Brian that, "She knew it." "It just happens to be mine and Xavier's, not Lex's. Lex just likes to refer to it as 'peanut'," I answered in one long breath. Macy's reaction meant the world to me. I just hope she wouldn't hate me.

There was a long silence at the other end of the line.

"Macy, are you still there?" I asked. Was she angry at me? Her silence was really starting to freak me the hell out. Then there was a loud squeal and screaming and I could hear shuffling and Macy yelling out that she was going to be an aunty. I turned to Xavier who was listening to our entire conversation who just shook his head and laughed at his sisters antics.

"Macy, Macy. Calm down. Does that mean you're happy?" I asked, needing to know that she was okay with it.

"Are you kidding me! I'm over the bloody moon Harper. I knew there was a baby, I just didn't think it'd be yours, no offence. Brian called me crazy when I suggested the idea that peanut meant baby and I'm right. When the hell do you get back so we can celebrate? With nonalcoholic drinks of course. How did my brother take the news? You did tell him right? Please tell me he knows about the baby?" Macy rambled on and on sounding a lot more serious at this point.

Xavier took the phone out of my hand before answering all of her questions.

"Hey sis, yes I know about the baby and yes I'm fucken excited to be a dad. It's still early days into the pregnancy and Harper and I get back in two days and we'll be going in to see a doctor to check that everything's going good. Please keep the news to yourself until after Harper and I have seen a doctor and Harper makes it through the first trimester. Can you do that for us?" Xavier said, speaking calmly to Macy.

"No worries bro. Congratulations to the both of you. You two moved a bit fast but I'm happy for you both. Tell Alex I said congratulations about the win and I'll see you two when you get back." We all said our goodbyes and Xavier andI sighed in relief that his sister was happy for us.

The past two days were one of the best that I'd ever had. Xavier took me around Sydney, even taking me to a private island to do some snorkelling, sightseeing along the darling river and a tour of the Sydney opera house. We spent most nights trying different restaurants with Lex and enjoying our time by the hotel pool.

"I'm going to miss you Harp. You take care of my little peanut and I'll come down and visit you again," Lex said hugging me tightly to him.

"I'll miss you more Lex. I'm so glad you won your fight and I'll look after myself like I always do. Promise me that I don't have to wait too long to see you again?" I said looking up at him.

"You can bet your cute little ass that I'll be seeing you real soon. I just need to wrap things up with work and I'll pop over to New Zealand for longer this time before I go to training camp."

"I'll hold you to it," I said holding out my finger to Lex for a pinky swear. He laughed but curled his much larger pinky around mine before wrapping me up in a massive bear hug and then shaking hands with Xavier who stood silent throughout our exchange.

"You hurt her, I hurt you. You got that," Lex said in a stern voice looking like he meant every single word and squeezed Xavier's hand for emphasis.

Xavier stood his ground and looked him straight in the eyes squeezing back before saying, "I promise I'll do my best to make sure that I don't hurt her intentionally or unintentionally. I'll always look after her and our baby. You have my word." His answer seemed to please Lex who went in for the man hug instead. We said our goodbyes once again, before  Xavier and I made our way into customs.

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