Chapter 8

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Taylor laid down the blanket, set the basket down. It was a perfect day: the sun was out and it was only a bit cloudy, with a slight breeze. I felt someone mess with my hair, "There." he said and sat down. I smiled at him, and leaned over an kissed his lips. I knew what he had done, he put a flower in my hair tucked behind my ear. He opened the basket and pulled out two white glass plates, napkins, and a pair of glass cups. We sat and smiled at each other for at least 3 minutes, "You're beautiful you little shit. You know that?" he giggled and stared at me with so much emotion and meaning. I blushed and looked down at out our intertwined hands, "I love you." I said in reply I really meant it I really love him. "I love you too." He pulled out two hoagie sandwiches wrapped in plastic wrap, a container of assorted fruits, and sparking white grape juice. "Shall we?" "We shall." I giggled a little. We began to eat our lunch and chat about nothing really. Then he brought up the topic I had been putting off for a while now, me going home. Crap. "Babe, what are we going to do?" I saw tears well up in his eyes, I knew I was about to cry. "I can't breathe with out you. I love you, and I mean it. I may be over reacting to you but to me, I'm not making enough of this." his words soaked in to me like I was a sponge, a single tear rolled down my face. I buried my face in his chest, and wept. After the tears stopped I looked up and saw his face was red and splotchy, he was crying to. " We... we can call, and text, and, and FaceTime." I suggested with a stutter. "Yea. I guess but I won't be able to hold you, or kiss you, or see you." he was right. No, I couldn't let this happen, I needed him, I might not be able to make it with out him. I needed to come up with something. Soon.

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