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Beneath the frolicking specs of hidden sunlight,
My fragile body fall into deep despair
as the limbs I have can reach no longer
and my wings will only fade.

Farther. It grew farther away my whines
As if my voice were a threat to it's existent, that my own dream feared my grasp.

The curvatures of mountains hid the sun I've been longing for,
the dream that shove me to the depths, when I've tried pursuing so.

My broken bones and damaged organs,
my flesh ripped open and my unthinking mind.
I could have flied, but I didn't know how to get my wings back my spine.

And as I constantly fall
down the pits of broken souls, the screeches of undefined pain,
swallowed me whole.


I won't be looking up again, it hurts me when the sky is so beautiful.
Too much, that I cannot reach it.

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